Yesterday I was crafting T1 Lockdown gear, and I got a Curse Maximum UV on an Emberbreak Helm. Since there is no Curse in T1 Lockdown, and Emberbreak Helms don't really have a good upgrade path, I put it on the Auction House for a starting bid of 500 CR. To me, it seemed pretty worthless.
When I checked my mail today, I found out that the final selling price was 25,000 CR. I thought that was pretty funny. Can anybody think of a reason somebody would want a Max Curse Emberbreak Helm? To me, it just doesn't make any sense.
Rich newbies that don't know better?
I've seen other silly auctions from time to time too (sellers overestimating their items' values).
Sometimes strange auctions are created by bad timings... I made a screenshot of AH just now, on the sale of Sun Silver.
That poor guy at the bottom of the list.
I am one of those people trampling on him... I sold 2 Sun Silvers for almost 2.6k each last night.