Here we go! - active, mature, honourable and with a good sense of humour.
We usually have more than 95 members so if you are 4* or 5* and feel lonely or need more hugs - tell us:)
Our official website:
We also like contests so the more ambitious and active you are - the better :)
- the number of members - 95+, 8-25+ online 24/7
- we have a sense of humor. Seriously!
- we make races (t1,t2,t3, bosses) with nice prizes (weekends), play hide and seek etc..
- yes, we are doing vana almost all the time, also jk runs, shadow lair runs, chasing-around-the fountain runs...
- we are well-organized guild, promoting teamwork, fighting beggary, scammers, bad behavior
- kinda good at guild Lockdown (we do it every night .. and day)
- a nice, sociable, helpful, international community
- we love contests, with attractive prizes
- a kiss from Laylla - everyday :D
Sounds interesting? Please post you application form HERE or send an in-game mail to Laylla or Xcelestialneon
~~~~ Application Form~~~~
Answer the following questions:
Normal questions:
1. What's your in-game name?
2. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
3. Do you switch guilds frequently?
4. What's your T3 Lockdown loadout (if you have one)
5. How often do you play (every day?)?
6. Which Shadow Lairs have you cleared succesfully?
7. Have you seen our wiki page?
8. (optional) Would you mind telling me your age?
Silly questions: (don't forget about them!)
9. What would you do if you saw our member sleeping in Haven?
10. 2+2*2=?
11. Can you kill the jelly king with a fork?
Our recent contest (we have a different event every week) are on the guild website
Thanks for visiting!