I was re-doing the mission to see what was new (Nice job in sprewsing the place up BTW), and upon the final wave of the danger room fight, one of the two Trojan statues crumbled immediately into a heart instead of becoming an actual Trojan, only leaving me with one to fight. In the previous, both came to life to fight, which I liked a lot because it threw me an acceptable curve ball, and would definitely provide some proper challenge, even for those who are new. I suspect this is a bug.
Blades of the Fallen: Post Patch Trojan bug?
Fri, 02/17/2012 - 17:25
Fri, 02/17/2012 - 17:51
Ahhh, that makes sense.
Ahhh, that makes sense. Still, I thought I should report since it seemed odd. Still kinda prefer two trojans at the end (And its funny how they tend to hit one another at times).
Fri, 02/17/2012 - 23:24
One trojan is a hard fight
One trojan is a hard fight for a newbie, fighting two at the same time with 1* sword/gun would be kind of extreme for newbie.
are you sure it crumbled on its own? and not from say, the trojan breaking it? because the lower left statue is now breakable and doesn't come alive