I'm not sure that I want to know what'll happen next...
The Invasion of the Haven: Planning and Practice Thread
I'm sorry for the lack of update, I'll try and get to it soon.
I was mostly working on some of my original character art stuff like height charts, commisions, and certain things scandalous (including stuff I wouldn't share here).
But in the meantime I am redesigning Wuvvums so I can make her better to draw. Replaced her whole look since I got tired of the chromalisk thing, and I wanted a hood that shows her face. She hasn't made her appearance in the comic yet anyways.
I am also considering changing some colors like on gloves and shirts. I may also change the coloring style; I am not sure if I would like to go lineless like this.
I don't know what my plans are regarding keeping up the comic. My classes are ending in six weeks and then I'm moving in with my boyfriend and we're going to try and get our own house to live in. It's a pretty big deal since I never really did anything "independent" before or had to try and support anyone. I hope it works out well for us.
Things have been a little crazy but I still hope everyone's alright waiting. In the meantime, I hope this small wedding sketch is enough to appease to you guys.
New Wuvvums is cute.
Hope things work out for you.
These kids really wear me out but I think I'll find some energy to move on to page five. I also hope to find a line and coloring method that looks a little less ugly.
"These kids really wear me out but I think I'll find some energy to move on to page five."
Quick! Cash in those crowns for dat CE!
I pictured Wuvvums being piled on by a few Spiral youngsters.
Y u make me think of silly pictures!?
I don't think my characters would mix well with Spiral young'ns.
Here's the next page layout: http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1152/page5layout.png
I meant SK Wuvvums.
what an interesting take on the knights body "design"?
http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/6495/page4layout.png Got to making the layout for page 4 this morning. Didn't want to squish the last few panels so the rest will be on the next page.