Should I buy or craft tier 3 equips?
Buy or craft tier 3 equips?

Unless you craft with mist that you were not going to use in the clockworks (say on off nights), then way cheaper to craft at any level (especially if you would like a chance at UV).
Craft unless u want to get a specific UV...then buy.

Lets look at this a bit-
3* items cost 4000 CR (recipe) + 1000 CR (crafting) + 100 CE + 100 Mist, if you're going to craft them efficiently.
if 100 CE = 6000 CR:
Total = 11000 CR
Thus, given that you magically find all of the mats and recipe no problem, it is cheaper to buy when the price of the item in question is under 11000 CR, and is cheaper to craft when the price of the item is over 11000 CR.
If you want to factor in the price of the work it takes to make an item, and other things however-
Crafting a 3* item will cost: 11000 CR (base price of the item in crafting) + [Opportunity cost for using the 100 mist] + [Work needed to set everything up; eg. getting materials, and finding a recipe] - [Average increase in price due to the chances of receiving a UV]
Opportunity cost per 100 mist = 6000 CR - [Amount you could get in the clockworks or elsewhere, although it depends on the player's skills and selection of recipes T3 = ~14000 CR; T2 = ~8000; T1 = ~4000? 5000? Not sure]
Work needed to find recipes/mats depend on what you're crafting; if it requires 20 sun silvers, its going to cost a lot more to craft. To find this, use this-
= [Total cost to buy mats] + [4000 (recipe cost) - [amount you could make by selling it on AH]] (recipe's value)
The cost of a UV is very, very, very low, and is like winning the lottery. Realistically, it is better to not even consider it.
My opinion-
13K and under, buy it. More than that? Craft.

There are some 3* items that consistently sell for 15-18k, so the opportunity cost for your 100 mist is more like 3-6k cr for no work. It's also just straight up 100 CE if you don't have an elevator pass since you can always spend it on the clockworks, provided you play enough to never let your mist max out for very long. You can't use the Clockworks as a determinant for the value of mist since there's a time investment.
I think you should craft.
I just got myself a boosted plate shield (3*).
Lets say you want a boosted plate shield. And you have a plate shield.
Buying the boosted plate at the bazaar costs 35000 cr!!!
crafting it (if you already have all the materials) will only cost you around
6k-9k cr for the recipe, charge up your energy = 100 + 100 that you buy for
6100 cr. That equals only around 12000 cr! By the way, the knights sell it at the market for around 20000 cr

Just craft, it may seem a lot of money but it will it WILL pay off in the end, because you have a chance at UV! Here are the UV chances from the wiki
Low: 65.74% ± 8.95%
Medium: 21.30% ± 7.72%
High: 7.41% ± 4.94%
Very High: 5.56% ± 4.32%
Maximum!: Unknown
EDIT: DOn't pay attention to the chances, I just saw that this is for bombs :P Oh well, if you want bombs, refer to this.

On the other hand, Isekuube, one can shoot for a specific UV and buy the item itself. This way, I can say purchase ASI medium guns to hit max ASI without having to worry about being unlucky (which is likely).

The last time that I checked, actually crafting 3 star gear is 200 Energy per. Especially if you're upgrading the Rank Mission sets, the apparent price is not worth it.
I believe the energy costs are like this (AFAIK):
1* = 10 Energy
2* = 50 Energy
3* = 200 Energy
If it was 100 Energy, then I'd be able to afford to enhance at least two pieces of my gear. But it's 200 per, which means that I have to fork out 12k in Energy Costs (given current CR to CE exchange rates), and it takes 90 CE doing Arena Missions or JK Missions. You might say that you could earn more with Time At Last mission, but it's still 60 CE (you make about a 40 CE net profit doing this).
So unless you pay, then you'd have to wait egregious amounts of time to proceed from 2* to 3*, and that doesn't even get you into Tier 3. In fact, 4* is required to bridge from T2 to T3, and even then, you need full 5* to do well at Vanaduke (as well as copious amounts of skill, which is unrelated to gear).
It'd take you 3 weeks at most (based on my current math) to gain T3 access, and then probably a week at most to gain the gear required to do Vanaduke regularly. One of your rank missions also requires full 3*, and since I'm a perfectionist regarding that, there's no way that you can just "ride in" on someone's Vanaduke run.

Now that the HoH is here, my point is almost invalid.
Anyway, Ieskuube fails to say that there is a 10 percent chance of getting a variant on a weapon.
you mean 4 star and 5 star items? definitely craft them. its cheaper to craft
if you mean 3 star items, look for ones that you can buy for about 12000~13000 crowns from the Auction House. Those are cheaper to buy