Narrator (3rd person)
In the dark night sky, three escape pods came flying into the atmosphere, trailing fire. The pods were like any normal escape pod, except its symbol. These escape pods came from the Skylark itself. The pds had broken away from the gravitational field of Cradle, and had started orbiting Cradle's moon. But Cradle pulled it back again. These escape pods were the last ones from the Skylark.
Leo (1st person)
BOOM!!!!!!! The sound rang in my ears, I woke up groggily and stood up. Gathering my weapons, which were the Proto Weapon set, I stumbled through the escape pod's door. I panicked as soon as I realized I wasn't on the Skylark anymore, it had crashed and I had landed here, Cradle. Looking around I saw to other knights straightening up. These were my comrades, Fiery and Shadow. We were the Universal squad.
My story, by the way, my steam name is xania10 ( i didn't choose it)