I'm wondering if there are any videos (or just boring old advice) of someone doing Vanaduke with only bombs. Solo would be best. The "bomb" one's i've seen are so old as to be irrelevant.
Vanaduke Bomber Videos

Written advice works too in the case that you can't do a video, or don't know of any. Like, what bombs you used for starters. And any major tips.
dont know why u consider them irrelevant
there havent been any major changes in bombing or at duke, so the repetitive actions needed to bomb duke are still the same

Well the videos I saw had the water in totally different places. Which makes me wonder if Vana himself was different. And I know that the radius on bombs have been altered, so...
mhm i understand the basics now, but those minor differences would only be important if u could manage to pull off perfectly identical runs without tremendous effort
assuming, that u dont intend to do that, u would only be watching the videos to see a successful bomber and to roughly copy some of his behavioral patterns, which should still be the same
about the changes
vana wasnt that much different, if anything, he was harder with the exception of slag guards dying immediately after his death
only mist bomb radius was changed i think, but i wouldnt recommend killing him with mist bombs
You only need to know 3 things:
1) Don't use shiver (unless you messed up and need "time alone" to clean up the room), that'd make it a lot harder.
2) Just keep running around him dropping dbb or nitro or a shard bomb, ignoring lava as much as possible.
3) Prepare coffee and/or something to eat before you start. It will take ages, and be neither difficult nor fun.
"It will take ages, and be neither difficult nor fun"
well said melord

I've been meaning to put together a nitro/dbb vana video. Haven't got around to it yet.
Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you try a haze only vana kill? It's quite fun at least trying it once :P you know.....if you can NOT DIE while you do it. Sure, it took almost an hour to finish just the fight, but still...

I suggest you remap your controls so you can play with one hand. That coffee is not gonna pour itself down your throat.
Wasd and spacebar attack.

Yeah, you can play with one hand. it's call the mouse. one button attacks, the other runs you around. Only catch is shield. But I drink coffee while playing all the time. I can make it work.
Not sure it's worth it for it to take hours, unless my party bails on me and i just need a backup plan. More of a curiousity. Thanks for the input.

Or add shield to left shift. Voila, utilize your entire hand
Obtain carpal tunnel.
Win endurance trophy.

In FSC, my trinkets expired as soon as I accepted a party invite so me and a friend did Vana using my RSS/DBB and his gun. was just like a no-shiv vana really, although I felt super useless o.o
Also playing with one hand - I bought one of them fancy Razer mice with all the buttons, and assigned shield to the one that my thumb rests on, so I play SK with one hand.
I would but it might take long and i cant upload videos ;D