Well, seeing how much I despise Devilites & I can't seem to get them when they're Alone, as they Dodge my DBB nearly all the Time unless Grouped up, I've been thinking of getting a Piercing Weapon. I don't much like Guns & I'll be getting my Sun Shards(And Possibly Salt Bomb if they Change it), but I decided on getting a Piercing Sword Instead. I don't much like the Flourish Lines & their Charge Attack, so I've Decided to get the Barbarous Thorn Blade, as its Charge Scatters, much like a Bomb, so I'll be a bit more Comfortable using it & it'll take care of those Grievers.
This is where the Questions Start.
1. Do the Projectiles deal the Same amount of Damage as the Final Flourish's Charge?
2. Do the Projectiles disappear if you're "Wall-Hugging?"
3. How, When, & Where is the Charge Attack most Effective than the Final Flourish?
4. Would you recommend this Weapon?
1. Individual thorns do not deal as much as a FF charge. If one manages to land all 12 thorns, or however many, you might deal as much, if not more, than a flourish charge.
2. Nope.
3. Almost anywhere, to be honest. Against trojans, ff dash might shoot past it, losing out damage on the last few hits. FF charge is also dangerous. If you don't hit, you get hit. Btb charge is fast compared to ff combo, and allows you to shield that armchair and back off.
4. Yep, although getting good uv's on it will be more expensive than on a ff.