Ace's log, 9:27 P.M.
This is our guild, the Snarble Shadows!
Now, theres a bit of text here, and before I talk about the requirements, i will explain the history of the guild. The Snarble Shadows was created by Kiuj, and right now we have only 9 members. We hope to expand the guild, and we always help each other and unite against the terrors the Clockworks. Here is the roster list.
Guildmaster: Kiuj
Officers: Justifier, Idkagoodname, and Wyndwaker.
Veterans: no one yet.
Members: Scython, Turqoisetomato, Chaosdxb, Chibemo, and me, Kaijuhunter!
Recruits: none
Requirements- 1: Respect to everyone in or outside the guild.
2: You should have some knowledge of The Clockworks, and english.
3: Btw u must also have one Snarble weapon/armor, like for example, the snarble barb and its upgrades. Basically, u
need either the Snarbolax armor or any of the items u get throught frumious fang and their upgrades.
4: HAVE FUN! Playtime with the guild is not something you should spaz out over.
How to join: Please contact our guildmaster, Kiuj or any of the officers to join. We do not look for recruits, they look for us.
This is Kaijuhunter, signing out.
I want to join! I have twisted snarble barb, but I don't use it unless it is lockdown. Can I still Join?