So I'm having trouble deciding which bomb I should get... Well to be honest I already got Ash of Agni but I'm having constant doubt about whether I should've gotten VT instead. So what's a better bomb for general, all around use? And arenas? And bosses?
Ash of Agni or Voltaic Tempest?
Demonic hit the nail on the head there.
If you plan on doing lots of status bombing, having both will also give you a go-to when you're facing a fire arena when AoA would not be a really bad idea.
If you don't use bombs much, AoA should be enough to round out your arsenal if you like having a bomb to drop every so often while you slash away with swords...
Thanks for the input, I'm glad to know I didn't go completely wrong with AoA :) I'm also not a dedicated bomber so I'm glad to hear that AoA is better for someone like me as well. I'll consider getting both, as per your guys' suggestions!
Here's a tip for arenas:
- On most arenas, use both bombs in conjunction
- On a fire arena use Voltaic Tempest
- On a shock arena use Ash of Agni
if you're a dedicated bomber you might want to get a Venom Veiler for fire and shock arenas so that menders don't outdps one vaporizer (both vaporizers together are very powerful so you don't need to poison anything in places where you can use the Ash-Tempest combo)
VT seems better in Lockdown because it has the chance to totally mess up your opponent, where as fire only does damage. The only catch is that a lot of the really good (read: annoying) players also have high shock resistance for exactly that reason, so your VT will do nothing to them. But, still messes up most players out there.
As for PvE go with the above advices, they are good advices.
Make them boths, they are situacional, tempest has most crowds control, Ash more damage. I prefer ash to slimes, gremlins, wolvers and tempest for sombies, diabilities and some more (PVP).
I went with VT first, but I do plan on building a AoA for the exact reasons stated above. I also had a combuster, so having a VT allowed me to apply more status affects. You really can't go wrong with either bomb if you know when and how to use them.
I will say, that for the JK, VT does just as good a job as AoA for clearing mini jellies. The only benefit is that fire will do more damage to the king than shock, but considering I used combuster I could apply fire anyways.
I can make fiery atomizer, but AoA costs too much 4 me. i have smb, but i'll be doing ice queen runs so AoA is better there. GET AoA man unless u like playing LD. get vebom veiler for LD they'll have yo run, the hearts cn't heal them. the elemental bombs r all awesome. my fav r AoA And smb SO GET EM' :p
Both are situational. In large crowds, 4+ monsters close together, a vt will out dps ash due to the aoe properties of shock damage. Ash is either the main dps haze bomb, or used to defrost ice cubes.
In arenas, you can't go wrong with ash, if the enemies are not fire resistant. Shock will outdps ash during the beginning, when there are mobs to kite together. As individual monsters fall, vt loses out in damage. Dropping both ensures a very fast arena clear.
Snarby you shouldn't need to haze bomb. Jelly king, ash is probably better, to clear the field of minis and to light jk on fire. Roar twins don't benefit from being hazed.
Vanaduke is immune to fire, so vt will be better if one wishes to dps with it. But that is only if you are not shiver blitzing him. You might be able to drop a vt while using peacemaker or polaris, but the overall dps addition is not large, and the shock should not be counted on to stop charges.
Having both will benefit you as a bomber, no reason not to get a vt.