Specifically the Red Rover and Gremlin Scorcher. Sorry if I sound like a noob, but do these enemies actually do anything? I have found myself consistently walking through a Red Rover's flame stream in FSC without taking any damage or getting ignited, and surviving like a dozen gremlin flamethrowers in a fire decon zone...without taking damage. And no, I don't think the flame streams do any damage to shields as well.
Flamethrower wielding enemies...
I think its just the flame animation is just long. Similar to the Flame tiles in the ATH and FSC, you can walk through across the tile, even while there are still "flames" without getting set on fire.
Initial blast hurts. Vana fire snake which is similar to the red rover and scorcher, deals something three times. Might be fire, might be damage. All I know is that it staggers my shield three times.
I think its not 3 hits, just damage over time. Like stepping on spikes with your shield up doesn't hit you once, it hits you repeatedly.
Well, knights get a few invincibility frames when dealt damage. Shield might, but their frames are very short. I was thinking that the fire snakes appear long enough to deal the three hits, whether it be damage or just status.
I think it does damage when the initial blast occurs but after that you can walk through the blaze.