In your opinion, what are the most useful and cool looking armors? As a set i mean, not to be mixed with any other items.
Shadow Lair Armor: Most Useful/Cool looking
Tue, 02/21/2012 - 09:07
Tue, 02/21/2012 - 10:30
almiranian armor + ice queen
almiranian armor + ice queen crown looks epic. especially when ice queen has glasses and the almiranian has a divine side blade *cough me cough*
Tue, 02/21/2012 - 15:56
Thanks guys :D
have decided im getting almirian armor for a fact, shud i get almirian helm to go with it? or some other non-shadow lair armor?
prefer not to get other helms from other lines :P
Tue, 02/21/2012 - 22:28
Almiran Set- Strait pimpin,
Almiran Set- Strait pimpin, yo... But really, this is my new graveyard set when I want to go sword- It makes me feel like I'm a lost soul bringing peace to my less fortunate brothers
Merc. Demo Set- Beep Boop. My favorite set other than the Grey Feather.
Snarby- My first Shadow Def set and the only wolver set I wanted. Fights for dominance in the GWW are fun, too.
Snarbolax, and Almire looks pretty cool though it's resistance sucks.
Ice queen helm with Snarbolax coat looks the best, in my opinion.