I've tried downloading Spiral Spy for my Mac, but it doesn't seem to be able to work. Is the program compatible with the Mac? Also, if it is, can someone tell me the steps to install it (since I can't for some reason).
Thanks in advance!
I've tried downloading Spiral Spy for my Mac, but it doesn't seem to be able to work. Is the program compatible with the Mac? Also, if it is, can someone tell me the steps to install it (since I can't for some reason).
Thanks in advance!
if you find library then application support then you find spiral in there
I checked the application support, but I don't see the folder...
Note: I play SK on Steam and Browser
And thanks guys!
Just try searching it...
I don't remember how I found it...
but just keep trying, it will show up at some point. :D
Library > Application Support > Steam > SteamApps > Common (That's where it should be I do believe)
I've been having trouble too with SPiral Spy.... does that mean that you have to have Steam in order for Spiral Spy to work?
Okay imma solve your placement issues on mac by showing were to put and find it.
Put the spiral spy file here:
With Steam: User>Library>Application Support>Steam>SteamApps>Common>Spiral Knights
Without Steam: User>Library>Application Support>Spiral Knights
double click the spiral spy file and there ya have it :D
Enjoy ^_^
If you don't have steam, you need to put the file INTO the .app itself.
Go into your Applications folder, right click on Spiral Knights, and go "Show Package Contents". Navigate to Contents/Resources/Java and drop the spiral spy file in there. Create a shortcut (right click and "Make Alias") and throw that on your desktop.
Though please note that Spiral-Spy is no longer supported, and is growing more and more outdated. With the current patch, I've been unable to view armour normally.
Also, Ndogten's directions were completely accurate, but I'm fairly sure yours work as well. I use Steam, so I threw Spiral Spy in there.
I did say if you DON'T have steam.
Spiral knights doesn't seem to have ANY files in my library folders. Though the test server seems to have left some remnants there.
Good to see that fix though! That'll be helpful.
1. Open finder.
2. Cmd+Shift+G. A 'Go to folder:' should pop up.
3. Type ~/Library. Hit 'go'
4. There should be a long list of application folders. If there isn't a folder for the Steam/Spiral Knights application, open the 'Application Support' folder near the top of the list
5. Another list of applications/folders should pop up. For non-Steam users, the Spiral Knights folder should be somewhere here. For Steam users, find the Steam folder. Within the Steam folder is a 'SteamApps' folder and within that is the Spiral Knights folder. Drag 'SpiralSpy.jar' here and open it.
That's how i got it to work, but I'm still figuring out how to even use the app.
whoops, double posted >_<
When I open SpiralSpy, the place where I view my models come up as a blank. at the bottom it says previous message repeated 2 times. I cant view the environment, I cant view the player, i can only view the model editing window. Help me please
I get the same problem too. Nobody knows the solution.
It is. :D
Seach your mac for the folder "spiral", then put the jar. into it. Then click o the jar.
Getting it is easy, using it takes time and pratice.
Oh and put this into the Treasure Vault. :D