Hi,Athresh here...
Can someone please post post-patch damage values of AP against various monster types? I wondering if it's worth upgrading my silversix and i believe these values will help me decide.
Thanks in advance.
AP post-patch damage values please...
Not to be a jerk, but maybe you should WAIT for the patch to be released, and then possibly give people a chance to test it? The wiki is run by players and their first priority is not slaving away to find damage numbers for a single weapon in each depth.
Then maybe they should fix their priorities, right now the handgun guide is quite... pathetic (not to be a jerk either).
On topic, the OP did not ask anyone to slave away for him. He kindly asked in his post if someone could please do that so he would be able to decide wether or not to upgrade silversix. Also he mentioned post-patch, which is after the patch. a link to what "post" means so there isn't 5 people arguing about post being a prefix that means either before or after. It means after. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=post+prefix+meaning&pbx=1&...
Yup, guess I'm gonna be going down and testing these weapons again. And just when I was almost done with their previous versions. Expect some results in my Wiki Editors thread.
Thanks for the help guys.I will check out your Wiki Editors thread Arquebus.
I've stayed off upgrading my Silversix, and I JUST finished the old damage tables including drones (which were missing from the wiki) last night.
Upgraded my BH to Sentenza, and I'll be gathering data for both post patch as soon as it's heated. :)
Athresh, I've gotten some of the data (around 1/3) for the new 4* and 5* antigua lines.
I posted a link on both arq's and my Wiki Editors thread, and I've entered some of it on my charts.
I'll be updating again shortly after I finish another run with them for some more tier 3 data.
If you want a simpler answer to your overall question, YES you should upgrade them. They've very good now and I'm kind of hurrying to finish the 4* damage collection so I can finally upgrade to my AP.
For reference, ap currently outdamages the nova on pierce neutral elemental weak, or vice versa. Assuming every shot hits and no ricochets. Worth using on elemental weak monsters now.