Currently all of our actives are T3. NOTE: this guild loves doing T1 LockDown battles, we want to get more members to do guild ones. Also, we do have a vast amount of T3 friends and will be running FSC or other boss runs often, so join up :)
(example application in parenthesis)
1) IGN: (pballs)
2) Tier: (3)
3) In your opinion, your best/favorite item you possess: (Gran Faust)
4) Player type: (sword) <-either sword, bomb, gun
5) Activity: (Once a day use up 100 energy, then T1 LD till im bored :)
6) Age range: (18-22) <-options are: under 14, 14-17, 18-22, 23-26, 26+
7) Approximately how old is your account: (16 months)
8) Time logged: (52:23:30:27) < i like how it counts seconds XD
9) Prestige: (45k ish)
10) If you could have any item/set which would it be? (Mercurial Demo Set) which I mow have.
WAHOO YOU HAVE FINISHED THE APPLICATION, I will be on at various times checking. I will review the apps we get and send invites to the people I like (for now I like all of you ;)
For more info about the guild go to:
For more info about me go to:
(these two wiki pages have not been updated too recently, I probably will get around to it sometime, but no matter what I guarantee some part of the information on there is false!)
Now here's the fun part...
BONUS QUESTIONS (these are not necessary, but why not? Who knows, it may give you a better rank or chance of making the guild...Also, I will not put examples anymore so none of you guys suck up to me ;)...ya, I know how that works hahaha.)
NOTE: you may skip any you do not wish to answer, or just spell you name, or something ;) be creative huh?
A: What is your favorite sports team?
B: What is your favorite quote?
C: What is your favorite type of music?
D: What is your favorite pokemon?
E: And, how about one more? your favorite movie?
F: First word that comes to mind _____.
G: Last word that comes to mind _____. <-take your time ;)
H: Ask me a random question.... <- I will most likely answer
I: The coolest pet ever would be?
Yes or no...
J: There is something on this planet named after you.
K: You like strolls on the beach, at sunset, in nice weather, alone or with company.
L: You are in or graduated from college.
M: This is the only online game you have ever played.
N: You plan to spend real money on this game.
Intermission: yup, its break time. Theres no time limit go run a dungeon play a T1 LD, whatever...Ill be waiting.
Welcome back...almost done, might as well finish the alphabet huh?
Additional info, (short answer)
O: List other online games you have played and approximately what rank you were in them.
P: Top 5 things you love.
Q: Favorite travel destination, and why?
Lucky guess?...maybe...
R: Why did we name this guild NuFF SaiD? <-if you get that right, instant guild leader (more rediculous guesses are more likely, we will not reveal answer either, unless you get it right)
Getting long...Quick! type letters
S: Type Q
T: Type Y.
U: Type ƥ
V: Type Ơɱɠ Ⱥ ΖΏϻϐḮỂ
Make me...
W: Laugh
Y: why are you still doing this survey?
Lastly...a little food for thought
Z: Do blind people dream? If so, what do they see in their dreams?
if you made it this far your a TROOPER
Thank you for your time and cooperation, I look forward to looking over these.
AGAIN, these are the websites :D
hmm NuFF SaiD guild link isnt highlighted, you can just copy and paste :)