Is the mission worth to do?O.O i mean what does it give you after you complete every mission -.-'
And mission or rj give more crown?;p..
Is AP become a construct killer?:p i heard it from my guildmate and he say it was a really good gun against those monster that weak to element since it shoot fast.
Last question:Can any1 give me some tips on using a calibur line sword?-.-' i die hard in jelly king while using it( what i do is charge then blow :p..was awesome but not really effective to those slime in arena).
Biggest effing ce sink. For people who has dived clockworks a ton pre patch, this feels nothing like it. But you still spend a boatload of ce. Certain missions are profitable though.
Yes ap is.
Know the range of your weapon. The further you can release your charge, the safer you can be. Also, hold shield as you let go of the charge so you can block attacks.
It does give you some good enough weapons to start with, if you're scared to fight sanrby with proto stuff before reaching T2.
Run missions on mist or elevator pass the payout is not really worth the ce (at least for most T1/T2 missions). Some missions to pay out 1k cr though.
I used the Calibur line for most of my T1/T2 work. The Calibur is great solo, I would kite the enemies in a circle while charging it, then turn and loop into the middle of them before letting go of the charge. This works best if you can get them so bunched up that they are at least 2 enemies deep when you let the charge go. This way you can hit them up to 3x each per charge. This will drive teammates crazy in group play though as Calibur charges can send enemies flying into teammates. I would recommend replacing the Calibur with 3 swords one for Elemental, Shadow, and Piercing damage types. To use the Calibur's charge in a group you will need to carefully aim your shots so that you don't send enemies flying into other players. Try setting up your charges so that you are knocking enemies into walls or hard objects (more damage this way too). Swing, swing, shield cancel is handy with 3 swing swords too for a more protected combo.
Ok,but how you did the 3hit using the charge attack?o.Odo u had to stand near the gun puppy inorder to deal 3hit charge attack or just far away?
Err... you stand near the target, and press your attack key while aiming at the target? No idea what you are asking.
Hm..kinda confused too hahaXP..guess will ask my guildmate.
You only do the 3 hits per charge attack on monsters that don't fly away when hit by calibur charge. That would be all turrets or when there is wall behind the monsters or in the radius of the shocking haze bomb (whatever it is called)
The later missions are far more profitable. Eventually, they allow you to, on command, jump into a Jelly Arena, the Royal Jelly Palace, and the Ironclaw Munitions Factory.
If you keep selling the rewards you get (i.e. UV nub stuff), you will start breaking even at around 3-1. Once you start getting into tier 2 missions, you will start making profits of about 500 crowns. By around 5-something you start making more and more profits until the previously mentioned, "Press button to be in Royal Jelly Palace."
Maybe you got confused because I talked about both the Calibur's regular swings and the charge. The charge attack will land all three hits when attacking a stationary target or when there is something behind the target to stop it from flying away. Flying monsters do not transfer their momentum to other monsters that they hit, so if there is a monster behind the monster you are charge attacking it will basically act like a wall (important to remember this for shield bumping as well).
One other note on Calibur charge attacks. After you press and hold your attack button you can press your shield button, then release the attack button while holding your shield button. This will pull your shield up as fast as possible following the charge attack. This can be handy when diving into the center of a mob to release your charge. I do this or I press and hold the attack button, then after releasing the attack button immediately press and hold it again (before swing spin animation is done) to go straight into another charge without having to take that first swing.
I touched on using the Calibur's regular 3 swing combo. Shield canceling is an important technique. It allows you to cut off then end of a swing animation and is good for keeping your guard up. Shield canceling after the first swing (all swords accept the Spur line) allows you to swing repeatedly with out stepping (important around hazards). Heavy 2 swing sword users often shield cancel after the first swing because the second swing is so slow and the first swing animation can be cut much shorter. I have found it helpful in many situations with 3 swing swords to shield cancel after the 2nd swing. If you don't know what I am talking about when I say shield cancel look here (scroll to Advanced Techniques):
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No idea what you are talking about with the costume, armor, helm, magic hood though...
how do i upload a profile picture
For me I just use the calibur charge when I am traped. But I am using iceburst brandish now:P. LOL I am just tellin what I do I am not a expert ok I am just 3* hehe