i logged in game, joined in haven 2 bazaar and the i saw some guy with the same name and everything and when i talked he talked! idk maybe my knight was bugged or maybe that will autofix when i logoff, but i just wanted to post that here, incase that will stay when i log on again.
My knight bugged
Thu, 02/23/2012 - 18:04
Fri, 02/24/2012 - 02:45
highly unlikely but are you
highly unlikely but are you by chance using steam maybe click the "play" button 2 times and its coppyed the movements on both clients i dont know if that would work or not but i HAVE had steam open 2 clients and steam auto logs you
Fri, 02/24/2012 - 09:59
If you start a new client and
If you start a new client and log in, it kicks the old one off (I do it all the time if my client half crashes and I want to return to where I was in the clockworks rather than being sent to haven). That doesn't mean that the server wasn't seeing two copies of your knight, which would probably be fixed via logging off and then back on.