Come and buy and have fun~ <3
♥ Bomb Boom Shop ♥ [Selling Wolver H/Max UV, Brandish CTR MED, Temp.Calibur CTR MED] ♥ Buying BTB/FF ASI VH and Accessory ♥
Grand Faust CTR low- 5.5k CE (offer)
IGN : Spacewieners
Spacewieners~ok deal~
And I just discover I wrong write ctr low before, and actually is asi low now.
So I must inform you 1st.
I was wondering if you are taking offers, on the Tempered Calibur CTR Med? My offer would be 65kcr for it. Add me as a friend on steam or SK, or send me a message in-game.
Steam: Kurapika-HxH
IGN: Kurapika
Hmm...I only accept CE for now...maybe you try to offer in CE...Thx for your offer...
Come and buy and have fun~ <3 <3 <3
Well, then I guess I'll just offer 65kcr's equivalant to CE: 850ce. ^-^
850CE for 2* Calibur CTR MED, so this is the offer I can give. So Kurapika, you still can consider it.
Come and buy and have fun~ <3 <3 <3
Hello, i'd like to buy an autogun Fiend VH from you for 1.2K CE. Ingame and steam name : Daemonhell
I just bought a divine valkyrie wings from someone~ thx to your offer~
I'll take the divine dragon wings off your hands for that price :)
Ok~Randomzz, try to meet me in game~ :)
Divine Dragon Wings and a Temp.Calibur Sold out, still have another Temp.Calibur for sale.
Would you do 5k CE for the Sealed Sword CTR High?
IGN: Yukarin
Hmm...Derpules, how about 1500CE for both?
Please let me know your answer :)
"★★☆☆☆ Calibur CTR MED ~~~ 900k CE NOW !!!"
Sure hope that "k" was an accident. xD
How could this be called Boomboom Shop without anybombs!!!!
Free bumb =3
Haha...I will try to add some bombs in the future... <3
HEY im really interested with the wolver coat normal med!!
Mah offer --->310ce
ign:naufaljr add me in game so we can talk :)
Ill take the CTR MED temp calibur
I will buy the brandish CTR medium, once I get on PC I'll add you. :)
ok~add me friend 1st and trade with me when I am online. :)
ok, i will when i leave the school, thx
a blast bomb, if so ill buy, ill take a gravition 3* one or a election 4* one also, just let me know when u get one.
Alienf, I dont have any bomb for sale now...I will try to update some bomb in the future. :)
Voltech Alchemer Mk II CTR MED Sold out~ <3