Daarke my love I found you! Iron and Rev never told me you play SK! I will hunt you down and find you, we are destined to be together, more then ever! *Giggles* We must be designed for each other, cuz we have so many things in common!!! Hee hee.
I found my love!

I'm your friend, I will help hide you and throw your fangirls off track :D

Jamoo laughs.

Sounds like a real keeper. Keep you bound and gagged, locked in the basement. >8)

"Iron and Rev never told me you play SK!"
...Who deh fudge are you?

"Sounds like a real keeper. Keep you bound and gagged, locked in the basement. >8)"
Sounds good to me. Add in some whips and take out the basement part and you're good to go.

Iron-Skull warned me about her... She's literally obsessed with me. >.> I think he locked her out of the forums though. she won't be able to read or reply to this. Said something about fixing this whole mess...

lol ur being admired That means ur a good special person Would u rather be thought as a hag.

I am still confuzzled.
So this creepy girl is some random girl stalking you on several MMOPRG games, and a previous friend of your also coincidentally called Iron-Skull-something (presumably a family member of hers that can keep her away from the keyboard) warned you she may come to stalk you further?
Either that or you're both just trolling us :P

I have no Idea who Daarke & I certainly don't know a Raelia.
I'm Scared...

i would be scared to and can anyone tell me how to post a forum

his knight ign is simply Iron-Skull. thats it. hes a noobie knight thats blue and dark gray that runs around with a pith helm as a costume. hes a good friend of mine, and he knows Raelia through The-Reverend, (yellow golden noobish knight), who so happens to be acquaintances through Heavyknightguy, (crazy blue knight who talks like tf2 heavy) who is the brother-like brother of Grimdead, who's my like my little brother. (little reddish grey knight thats rarely seen or talks) so all in all we are kinda one big disfunctional group....

Lol iron watcha gonna do with that ?

Who's this 'Raelia' here? I still don't really get how she fits into this, aside from how she seems like your personal stalker?

Iron (Not the Iron iron, or Ironskull, but Iron-like-the-awesome-one iron) has just saved me from just bein a little scared without laughing.
Thank you Iron.

Damn, she must have some bad cooties.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I though Shoebox was dead.......

Hope this doesn't include the return of 'G-who-must-not-be-named'

wait lemme clear this out,
raelia is stalking u because she thinks ur her soul mate and ppl r randomly talking about some1 whos name is iron and a bunch of ppl r confused who it is and man this is just too weird
i suggest u report her for stalking (a gm might ban her u never no)

i think shes just a sweet girl, with a big obsession with me... >.> i dunno, yeah its a lil creepy, but she hasnt done anything too serious... >.>

i think raliea is just having a joke. why would anyone stalk u XD. there is no reason is there.... OR IS THERE?

Its just fun to read this thread ahaha, but still thats sorta cute (;

IRL, or she been stalking you online/MMORPG?
Kinda cute, but mostly creepy...8%-92% methinks

Shields up: Go to Red Alert, Commander Worf.

ITT: People get jelly
Looks legit, wish you the best giggles of your life.

Mirehawk is wrong about the basement. Mmmm basement.

"Mirehawk is wrong about the basement. Mmmm basement."
Maybe the basement... might be a good idea now that I think about it.

she's climbing in your windows/mac, she's hunting your ID up....

You should feel honored...and yes, a bit creeped out. Still, DANG that is some persistence and determination right thar!

Okaaaaay... o-o Sometimes, I had wished I weren't so lonely. But after reading that, I think being a loner is A-OK.
So, uh...
...who has seen any rare mobs as of lately? 8D The other day I saw a Mewkat. Yeah.
This girl is probably like what? ... 13? Young girls tend to do that... they'll both get over it.

Is it illegal to bring this thread back up?
It's funny.
I like this thread.

Raelia is long gone. However I have a new stalker girl that knows where I live. She has a habit of crawling through my window and chilling there when I'm out of the house, or even just out of the room. I think she also sneaks in when i'm sleeping... >.>
The words of a stalker o_O
I hope you're kidding because if not that's really creepy and wrong.