Upon recent actions i took a closer look into Forum Guidelines, more cleary upon Apealing a ban via forum related points. We see there:
Use the forum to protest a support action, such as a ban. Use the Support Email form to report disputes regarding staff actions so that your issue can be escalated quickly and appropriately.
It seems clear, they tell us do not do it. Ok. But then it says:
Using a forum post to protest a support action, such as a ban, may make it necessary for us to discuss the circumstances of your case in public. We strongly recommend submitting your dispute via the Support Email form instead.
So they are just reccomending it for our own good? Since when OOO knows better what is good for us?
So how we should understeand that?
If we discuss our ban in public, here, we are risking that support will have to discuss circumstances of our case in public. IMO it means if we do it, we do it at our own risk, and if ppl will know of all details becouse support will answer here, it will be our own fault.
In my opinion, a person who comes to public with his ban, is a person who already tried to contact support via mail, propably didnt get response or the response was short and didnt really explained why he was banned (or it was just "It voliates TOS") and when he asked questions for more detailed things there were no answer.
So what is up with that? Why do we see topics about peoples bans closed right away by the power of the Forum Guidelines, where it is obvious that person creating topic is not fearing that details regarging his ban will be revealed in public?
If a person is fully understanding that support will be forced to discuss his matter in public, or even he demants a public debate about it why those topics are closed?
Something is wrong here.
Can we have an clarification to this? Or maybe edit of Forum Guidelines to make it more clear? Becouse right now you can interpretate it in diffrent ways, more, those two points exclude themselfs.