Are there any good general-purpose sets? I'm thinking about the Vog Cub Set with the BTS, since I mostly use swords.
General Purpose Loadouts
Shield, one for each occasion. One piercing, one shadow, one elemental. Piercing you can go with the snarby shield. The boss reward. The new hall of heroes have the shield recipe for each type, if you wish to get it from there.
Edit: FFF derp. Sorry about the elemental screw up. I suggested specialized, because I believe that will serve op better than one shield for everything. And since I can't resist retaliating:
Why did you even suggest shields high in normal? Or even piercing, with ironmight? Just tell him omega, for the high health. Shield health is more important for a gp set, since not everything does normal in T3.
The Volcanic Plate Shield, Omega Shell, and Ancient Plate Shield could all be considered "generalist" shields, I'd say. Possibly the Ironmight Plate Shield, too.
Many people who only have one shield select it on the basis of offensive bonuses or relevance to Firestorm Citadel, though.
You could also consider a Vog/Skolver mixed set rather than Divine/Skolver; I'm not sure that a half-bar each of normal and shadow is better than a full bar of normal, even in shadow-dominant areas.
Also, many of the options listed in this thread so far don't take on their distinctive attributes until the 5* level. If you care about having generalized options before you can afford to upgrade everything to 5*, that may influence your selection.
Demonicsothe: "One piercing, one shadow, one normal.",
Wait, what? No elemental?
And why are you even suggesting "one specialized option for each area" when the OP specifically requested a generalist option?
I was looking for sword bonuses because heavy swords tend to be slow when it comes to shielding. So I thought that the Vog Cub set with the BTS is a good combination.
- I was looking for sword bonuses because heavy swords tend to be slow when it comes to shielding. So I thought that the Vog Cub set with the BTS is a good combination.
That works. It's a good offensive line up.
Heck, you could even try Swithstrike Buckler + Skolver set. Abeit, it's a little bit more riskier, since your Swithstrike is only 3*. :( So it can't take as much hits as the BTS.(Just giving ideas here. :P)
Here's my set, and I consider it fairly general purpose:
Vog Cap (Shadow High)
Skolver Coat (Shadow Max)
BTS (Normal Low, Piercing Low, Shadow Med)
Glacius (CTR high)
Acheron (CTR low)
BTB (CTR med)
E.Vortex (CTR med)
Sword Dmg Med Trinket
Sword ASI/CTR Med Trinket
I can slaughter any group of enemies with my swords and vortex. And usually not having a ranged weapon is but a mild annoyance. If needed I have guns I can switch to.
I used to use the Skolver+Veil combo before I got the UVs I have on my armor/helm. But with my current setup I have normal defense at like 4/5's the full bar and Shadow, Elemental, Piercing all at about 1/3 the bar. Shadow lagging behind a bit. I don't take a crap load of damage from much, and I get a fair amount of last stand effects from my observations.
GP defence, or GP offence?
Armour: Divine Veil + Skolver coat. Protection from 4 damage types and some nasty status
Weapon: One of each damage type, or one normal sword with one normal gun.