It's like a contest, really. Who's gonna add the worst update ever! But this one will be hard to beat - zombie pounce/jump damage! I mean, what moron woke up in the morning and told himself "I know how we can make Spiral Knights more interesting - add damage when zombies jump on you!! It'll be epic!" I swear, if I could force choke the idiot that came up with this idea...
3 Ring's biggest screwup yet
Wait... so zombie leap damage is the biggest screwup yet? Did you join three days ago?
It's better than the old glitchy brain nomming attack.
Sorry, but it's still around.
I'm sorry, but considering they made zombies completely derpish by not tracking you as they swipe, they had to do SOMETHING to give them a chance at dealing damage. Before this update I could take on 10+ slags without taking any damage and barely paying attention. Now at least you have to put in some effort.
@Chaosengineer: They still do the "brain nomming" attack. It just happens much less often (maybe even a glitch?). Happened to me once out of like 10+ times being jumped on in FSC today :P
Oh, no! God forbid you actually pay attention to your surroundings and dodge their jumps!
(I admit, their new attack needs a tiny bit of tweaking)
Here we go again.....some sissy whining about how the game got too hard just because they are outwitted by a simple programmed attack sequence, and aren't intelligent enough to figure out how to avoid it.
Quit b****ing about every damn update and deal with it. People said the shadow lairs were OOO's biggest screw-up, but look where that argument is now. Nowhere. Let this idiotic thread do the same.
I thought you were going to say letting me back on the forums.
I don't mind the lunge attack, but if they could slightly adjust it, it would be great. Right now, you take damage before the zombie lands, some time during the middle of the jump. Dodging it isn't hard, but when you just release a charge attack (notably a DA charge) or is in the middle of a second swipe of your DA/slow sword, you physically can't dodge. You also can't bat the zombie out of the air/counter with an attack/charge when they jump. If the zombies' jumps can be interrupted, then it's all good. Even if they don't change the lunge, I haven't found FSC to be much more difficult. I just need a couple more runs to adjust, and then it'd be the same ol' again.
>zombies' fw
It isn't very intuitive, the fact is is that it's not logical to be damaged by it before the zombie lands on you. They should at least somehow register the damage once the models make the contact. I know I remember the zombie landing somewhat to the left of me and I still took damage.
The mighty Shoebox is back these forums just got 2412412412x's better.
Shoebox is back, and zombies now knee you in the face! Get your arrows ready!!! (And shields. I'd forcechoke you if you didn't get your shield yet. and are taking on some Firies)
Really, the zombies were pathetic (I thought the brain nom was most tiring and annoying, allowing you to not move taking hits while others can freely swipe you). If you are complaining about zombies, then pack some shadow defense, a shield, and some faster mouse moving skills. Tip: Don't try running into ANY normal speed foe as they attack, stay in front of the zombie at all costs, if not to the side or behind, and ask Shoebox for some assistance.
10+ slags? I'd be hiding in the corner
i agree this attack is definately "get-used-to able" but to be honest, the damage sometime occurs... well :/ often... occurs as, or while the zombie is jumping. but at least it adds that little pinch of difficulty that makes it a lil more fun! just like hitting ALL 4 buttons on Depth 26 vana near the end when you can pick left or rigt (left challenge)
Damage from zombies when they jump on you is COMPLETLY FINE
What is screwed up, that they damage you almost when they start to jump or even WHEN THEY JUMP next to you, without even touching you.
It's like a contest, really. Who's gonna add the worst update ever! But this one will be hard to beat - zombie pounce/jump damage! I mean, what moron woke up in the morning and told himself "I know how we can make Spiral Knights more interesting - add damage when zombies jump on you!! It'll be epic!" I swear, if I could force choke the idiot that came up with this idea...
worst update ever
It's better than the old glitchy brain nomming attack.