The prestige mission, "A pinch of salt" would not let me and my team past the gate by where the night npc's are. There was no button to open the gate, and talking to the npc's did not open the gate. We ran the level a couple times and broke everything, and hit everything. He apparently had been there before, so wasted 20 energy. I only wasted 10.
Cannot complete prestige mission
Thanks - I couldn't figure it out, either. It was hard to see!
Juances, yes, it is as you say.
Sorry Three rings for the false bug alert...
However, this time through, the level was much different, and the camp was smaller and arranged differently and the little pile of salt was obviously sparkling and screaming to lick it. I wasn't aware that the mission levels changed so much from one run to the next.
It sparkled but could have been more obvious in my opinion because a sparkle on another light colour isn't particularly noticeable. I stalled at the camp too and then started to wonder if I needed an actual Rock Salt material for the mission to complete. As it happened I had one, so I ruled that out from the completion conditions! I was actually about to quit when I remembered the altar in Blades of the Fallen and then re-examined the camp. There it was, a sparkling little mound in the middle of the camp - and yet we all missed it.
A simple fix would be to have one of the knights at the outpost say something like: "Please add your salt to the pile in the middle of the camp. Thanks!"
Like keys, the party escorts a sack of salt from elevator to elevator for the first stage, and then to a pile of similar-looking sacks on the second.
Oh dear, all the suggestions coming out.
There is one shiny mount of dirt in the middle of the camp. You have to press it.