So I've been playing for a while now, and have finally figured out what I'm looking for for the play style of my guy... but I need help with the weapons that will best accomplish that. I'm also focused on using both a sword and a gun.
First off, I'm looking for more of a fast playstyle. I'd like to be able to shield as quickly as possible since I tend to get in the thick of things. This makes me thing that a fast sword and gun (as well as a high magazine for the gun) would be the best. Fast sword swings should let me have more windows to shield faster, and a 6 shot magazine should do the same (less re-loading shield lock-outs).
So my initial thought is a Wild Hunting Blade (cutter line) which will cover my piercing damage. It would be paired with an Argent Peacemaker (Antigua line) which would cover my Elemental damage.
However, I've never owned either of these weapons, or even weapons from these Alchemy lines. Are there any drawbacks that I'm missing, or would they not let me shield like I'm thinking they should?
Thanks for the help.
Get the Flourish/Snarble Barb Line. They tend to Swing Fast, Cover a Wide Area, & allow you to Shield Faster than any other Sword in the Game.*CoughOverPoweredCough*
If you want Elemental Damage, Argent Peacemaker. If you want Shadow Damage, Sentenza. They Both Shoot 6-Clips & have a Bonus to either Undead or Gremlin, depending on your Choice.
EDIT: Wild Hunting Blade doesn't Deal Piercing...Unless Stealth Patch?
EDIT2: Nope. It still does Normal. Just Checked.