Ever heard of a bachelor auction that's usually done as a community event? Usually you get to buy someone's company for the night as a date. They're fun and funny. Though I think most of us don't want to sell ourselves for online dating.
Instead maybe for a night we can conduct a knight auction where you can buy someone as your friend-slave for the night, having them run floors with you and follow you around and do your bidding. It wouldn't be much, but I think it'd be pretty fun and awesome to try out. Yes, it could possibly be done as a potential scam, but hopefully we can keep bidding low and do it just for fun.
Not really sure who the auctioneer should be or what the proceeds should go to. Maybe after, depending on how many crowns are gathered, we can raffle half off to one of the people who volunteered for the auction, and the other half to one of the people who actually bought for the auction. I just think as a whole this would be really hilarious and fun to watch and do.
So what do you guys think?
Potential Auctioneer:
Potential Signups:
Brucerainbows (me)
I know these are often done for charity--maybe get 000 on board to give the $ equivalent of a certain % of the bidding total to a local charity? Could get Nick to be the auctioneer...