I've seen a few places the idea that a MAX defensive UV (say Normal) is equal to 2 High UVs.
I'm very skeptical of this both because the defense bars dont seem to show that, and that seems like it would be extremely overpowered.
I think where this idea comes from is offensive UVs. Where you need 2 highs to create a MAX, however this doesn't make sense in terms of defensive UVs because there is no Very High or Ultra.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Unique Varient Question: High vs MAX
Sun, 02/26/2012 - 10:20
Sun, 02/26/2012 - 11:02
^ What he said.
I think that
^ What he said.
I think that person who told you that mixed up weapon UVs with armor UVs. For weapons, VH is 4, and high is 3. Theoretically, this would mean Max = 6. However, max doesn't exist on weapons, so it doesn't.
On armor, relative to weapons, one would think since high = 3, then VH = 4, Ultra = 5, and max = 6. Since VH and ultra don't exist on armor though, then everything is shifted so Max = 4.
TL;DR Max = 4 for armor, VH = 4 for weapons. Armor and Weapon UVs are not 100% related.
For armor UVs:
1 = low
2 = medium
3 = high
4 = max
Two mediums = a max, for armor. At least based on how armor UVs work.
So yeah its safe to say 2 highs =/= max