Hire a robot
In Haven i have seen a robot with a Energy button on his head..
i was sort of thinking if u guys were making it possible for knights
to hire robots to fight with them in battle?
If not then it sounds look a cool idea to me don't ya think?
Like pay 10 energy for the robot to join you, just i would have no idea
how you would figure thinks out with its Health, and other things it could have.
Cause paying for the robot the elevators is kinda lame so maybe u just pay him once to travel with u all the way.
And this does mean that the maximum players are 4 but as addition u could
let a robot join your party.
1 robot per party should be enough because if everyone hired a robot then the party would be invincible and thats no fun.
cool btw nick i had to ask from boswick when ur releasing FoV cause he couldnt say.
Also, i predicted that you might let us have a guardian of some kind...just wanna see what they will be able to do, and if even we could have some guardian robots that aren't necessarely the image of its defended (ya know, like having a mechanical goblin, or a shieldless trojan, if you think that a trojan would be too overpowered)
Also, as my title says: what is FoV?

Fang of Vog, it drops from a special kind of Wolver.
Also, I am wondering how Mechaknights will work.
I'm hoping they either have programmable AI (like Mabinogi) or they just do one thing really well, as opposed to getting stuck and dying on spikes all day, erryday.
It will need to have a good AI so it would not get stuck in spikes...or, at least, function as enemies (invulnerable to spikes), until a better AI is developed to both, to make so spikes damage both.
I would like to see something like the golem AI maker from Legend of Mana. To those that don't know, here comes a small explanation:
-Players need to make some logic blocks from weapons and armors, and these blocks are shaped a lot like tetris blocks;
-these blocks represent the attacks that the golem can use, as much as it power and effects. More pwer or beter effect = longer or wider block, or more complex like;
-the block come in diferent colors: blue when the golem attack with an attack that the player could do too, green when it is an attack specific to the golem, and red if it is a buff or debuff activated by the golem logic;
-there's a grid, bigger if you have a golem made of higher level weapons and armors, also with more health too, where you put the blocks. this grid have 2 axis: range and gauge. An image for the gird: http://squarezone.pl/i/lom/golem/golem3.jpg
>Range, horizontal axis: if the attack is put at the most left, the golem will use the attack if the enemy is at this range. if it is at the far right, it will attack only long ranged. Longer blocks, like a 4 collum block from tetris, will make the golem attack with this attack at ranges 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you put every attack at the most right, it willa ttack only with ranged, and roam aimlesly while in close range.
>Gauge, vertical axis: a gauge fills while the golem is at a fight, and reset when it goes to the max. When the golem decides to use an attack, it will see how much he have charged, and use an attack from that gauge level or lower. The lower in the grid the attack is, the more charge it would need to use.
>As you can see at the image, there are arrows conecting down the Gauge. If the golem utilizes an attack that can be used at lower gauges, it would combo till the high gauge, if possible, and if the malfuction rate doesn't connect. Malfuction rate is a chance (usually 35%, up to 15%, on the better golems), that stops the actions of the golem (more or less like shock). continuing, if the malfuction rate don't connect, the golem them will use all the attacks from that determined range, jumping some attacks if they are intended to other palyers (like, if you put an attack, followed by a player buff, followed by another attack, and the player isn't in range for the buff, then it will not connect, but still will be affected by the malfuction rate)
-How golem construction works/coud work:
-> on LoM: you use weapons, armors and equips to make the armor of the golem. The better the equipment staus, and the higher it levels, the better the golem status. Also, high level equips reduce the malfucton rate. All the golems need at least one weapon and 2 armors to be made, where the weapon decide wich kind of golem you wlll have. Golems can't use attacks intended for another tipes of golem (ex: sword golems can't use hammers and lasers). You can add up to 4 (i think, if my memory don't tricks me) extra equips on the golem, to upgrade it status. Also, the amount of equips tell how big the grid will be (4X4 to 6X6), and the malfuction rate, being so that a golem made only from 1 weapon and 2 armors to be quite basic and weak, with a 4X4 grid and 35% malfunction rate. All the status, including status effect bonus and malus, will be transfered to the golem (so, if you put an armor that gives a lot of protection from fire damage, and weeakness to water damage, your golem will have a high fire protection, and will be weak to water). The blocks are made by using weapons and armors, where you need to combine 2 of etither one of these to make a block. Combining 2 armors gerally make a red/buff or assist block, while adding a weapon most of the time creates an attack block. Also, the level of the equips, and the material used to make those equips, will affect the shape of the block, thus, some combinations can give you a 1X1 block, what id good, if you want to have plenty of attacks, and bad, because it will be harder to make the attack that you want at the time you want to. Golem making is really expensive and time consuming, if you want to make a good golem to be used even at boss fights, but can be made cheap, if you only want a companion. It revives after a certain amount of time elapses, if it get kiled.
->on SK (idea): As we can see, in LoM, it functions more or less like we play here: golems don't gain levels, it only changes equips, so, it can be implemented quite similarly here. Also, it would function as a great moneysink, because people would need to get great amounts of crowns to buy weapons and materials to make the better golems, but this would not halt low level players from having their ow level golems made from low levels weapons. Also, making the golem using some materials that you get from dungeons would be good too, but nothing too expensive. At most, you could make so players use a energy core item, or pay a 10 energy extra for it. Making a grid where you tell to your golem what he can do, using these blocks could be used quite well here, and would function as moneysink too. Making a specific tipe golem maybe isn't a good idea, unless you can have a house/garage where you can store some there, and only if you reduce weapon and armor prices. Varying attacks dependent of the weapon and armor used to make it is also good (like making a jelly crusher punch from a jelly crusher weapon and a jelly shield). Reviving it over time, making so t teleports near the user when it revives is also good, but you could have the skill to go near it and give some health to it so it can revive faster, or some energy, or simply stand there and fix it (more or less like LoM: if you stand near your golem while it is down, it will regenerate faster than usual). One of the skills that you can make on LoM is the float, where the golem begins to float (duh), avoiding any floor damage that is done, and a shield skill, that makes a shield around it, that goes off after some time, or when it receives too much damage. Float can be the skill to make golems in SK invunerable to spikes (it is passive, so you can put it anywhere in the grid that is fine), and shield can function exactly as LoM, thus, with less time, and less health too, also making the golem slower, but not making it useless as an attacker.
Well, don't know what more to write, so, i hope the idea is well seen here...Also, seeing that, again, golems in LoM have a lot in commom about our gameplay here, i don't see why we can't implement something similar here.
You will be able to activate your own mecha knights soon enough!