Sure all the weapons and UVs are sucky for now. But i personally, don't like the precedent that this is setting. I think its a bad omen and portends of dire things to come. How do you guys feel about it?
yah or nah on UV'd weapons in AH?
Its very easy for me to assume that everyone thinks this is the worst possible thing they could do (once they start putting better and better gear and UVs up) since thats my opinion. But i'd rather ask you all to post your well-reasoned opinion in non-flammatory ways.
so what says you community? This is a terrible idea, right? Or do you love it?
i acknowledge my own bias showing through in the way i phrased the questioning, but really, i'm merely trying to start an intelligent thread so i can gauge the communities feelings, strong or otherwise, for or against, this development. And if OOO can also see how the community at large feels by reading over this, well, the better for them to meet our overall needs, wants, and goals.
(or at least they'll be cognizant of our feelings, wether they act accordingly or not.)