You won't be missed. Guess what, this is a STANDARD of most games, charging money for extra content. If you want extra content, you should be willing to work/pay for it, not ragequit because you don't like something. That's incredibly shallow and self-absorbed, not to mention makes you look like a spoiled rotten brat, had everything handed to you in your childhood.
I earned my CE and I bought the expansion for 3000 of it from someone willing to gift it for CE. F2P players, you can do this too. You are not completely shut out, so quit acting like you are. If you want the expansion without paying for it, you should be willing to WORK for it, either by saving up enough CE or crowns, or trading via other games.
Grow up.
You realize you're not making anything better. Talking in a condescending tone, the people you target won't take you seriously.
And as one who your argument doesn't target, I can say I don't take it seriously either.
Later. /Munchmunchmunch