Many have seen this as a bust, but how about make a thread of what pros it has, cons, and what you suggest! Posts must have pros, cons, and suggestions to fix the cons.
PROS: Long awaited Gremlin Boss!
--------Fits any Tier
--------Brand new powerful weapons upon defeating Boss (you get 2 free 5* for only $4!)
--------New gunner armor! (the helm)
CONS: Restricts F2P
--------New P2P exclusive items, never before seen and forever changing to the economy.
--------OverPower? (It could be, but I love overpower)
--------Players are leaving... :(
SUGGESTION: Somehow make the Expansion Mission gift-able or turned into a "ticket" to sell. This may nerf the weapons, sadly, because of no longer being a rarer object. Gifting via purchase sounds like an idea.
@ Knightrails, fantastic point. I really loved that too. Actually that has been my favorite part of missions;npc's in the clockworks. I want to run a mission that has 4npc's running in a party just like we do :) Maybe i can rez them and steal their heat hahahaha.
----by charging real $$$ for these expansions, there exists a direct incentive for them to add more content and charge me another $3. While this is good and bad, i LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea that there is a real carrot for them to already be working on new endgame content dungeon!!!! Meaning, i hopefully won't be waiting another 10 months for a new t3 dungeon.
OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a dungeon from the fallen hero tile-set. The mission where u place the sword. Loved it, so zelda-esque.
the expansion for me is not a lot of fun ... main two reasons
the rocket gremlins cant be hit from the front or sides because their shields make them invincible
so unless you can hit them from behind they dont die which is beyond annoying ...
end of expansion boss is just crap ... atleast you can hit JK / snarby / twins / vana upfront
you will see what i mean when you get their but for me its just not fun ...
I think you're supposed to knock Rocket Gremlins over and pick up their rockets and run off with them while your teammates whomp on them. I thought that was cute, actually.
Same here, I like playing monkey in the middle and keep-away with them. They become so helpless after! :D
Kudo to OOO for the good work on DLC. The graphics actually look pretty nice under 16x AA (especially the view as you enter Seerus' chamber). There are some minor stuff that need polishing but overall it feels pretty complete.
My feeling is that Shadow Lairs should be handled like Operation Crimson Hammer (as a DLC), instead of using a key system. Would you guys consider a Shadow Lair DLC that includes the existing 4 SL maps together with a SL version of Seerus? I can see this as an excellent opportunity to introduce SL version of Gunner gears.
Also, are you guys planning to convert SK under Steam? Steam is nice and all but when it fails, everyone goes down with it. I still believe you guys should make an in-game gifting option for DLC, so if people decide to trade with CR or CE they can do so. This would also provide a redundant system against Steam failure. This would also relieve a lot of the rambling or threatening to quit posts in the forum.
I'm curious, do you feel like the mission is worth 4 dollars? Especially considering that 4 dollars will get you an entire game these days.
@ Wuvvums
Well that's good to hear Wuvvums. I'll admit i've been somewhat skeptical about the new DLC, but i traded CE for a copy of it, so i guess i'll get to find out for myself soon enough.
After the last update, i was really excited to try out the missions, so i bought an elevator pass, only to find that i was disappointed by the entire affair. It seemed so halfhearted.
Looking forward to the new DLC though. Hopefully it* won't be letdown.
Edit: Noticed a typo :P
I'm going to try and get some of these expansions out to a few friends and forumers for 1500 CE (since 4.95 is 1600 CE. I'm not looking to profit and I am fine with breaking even). Still haven't decided who yet, but I hope it helps alleviate it some that some of the free players can reasonably get in on it.
I would love you if you could get me a pack. I'd have the CE ready for you instantly.
I was wondering if you had it, Vescrit. Consider it done. If you have a steam add me: my name is Marieelana.
For those who don't have the steam client but I can trust, I am happy to gift you a $4 paypal payment so you can buy from your original client.
How about start a thread to consolidate all Steam P2P players who are willing to trade DLC for in-game currencies or items?
I think $4 is the right price for the DLC. I was expecting $5.95 for regular price and $4 for party pack price.
Right now it's only $4 because it's being sold at discount, but I think it should stay at that price. I wasn't gonna make a new thread because I don't know how many more I am going to sell, but you are right that I shouldn't advertise here.
Is it a "PRO" or a "CON", that I now spend my "gaming time" in the forums instead of ingame?
Someone can tell me how many missions the expansion haves? its only 3 misions or haves some sub-misions?
One. In 3 difficulties with versions 1*,3* and 5* of the rocket hammer, dark bomb and gunner mask as rewards.
There is one mission with three tiers (or levels of difficulty). Each mission consists of 4 levels (unlike previous Boss levels, you actually have to fight your way there). Completing each tier gives you 1 bomb and 1 hammer at its respective tier (corresponding to how LD tiers are divided). e.g. if you finish tier 2 mission, you get 3* version of both the bomb and the hammer (plus prestige points).
The Boss will drop a special Mat which you can use to craft the mask. Different tier Boss drops different tier Mat (which you can craft different tier mask). Unlike the bomb and hammer, the masks can be traded.
Confused yet? TL;DR. It's one mission folds into three different tiers that gives you access to different tier of the same gears.
So glad to find someone who agrees. It got really frustrating running with guildies complaining that it was a rip-off and that each tier was just the same levels and that everything just sucked. The Rocketeers and the last battle after the first elevator were a bit frustrating in T3, but that was about it. (I mean you didn't realize it was one mission but changed to fit into all tiers when the notes said as much?)
I personally loved the entire mission, really changed things up from your normal boss runs.
---- We finnaly saw the true face of OOO, they sold their souls to Steam and are selling us too. They ignored both kongregate players and official site players by either forcing them to pay $$$ for expansion missions or to install completly obsolete application in order to trade for expansion pack. Also we saw that we cant believe them, in first annoucments they stated that expansion missions will be obtainable with CE but later they switched minds and changed it to "with purchase". In addition to all of that they claim they are working about way to trade/gift future purchasable contents within official client yet, with last promo there were no problem to make steam costiumes buyable with CE and obtainable with purchase.
I will give you all about the OOO trust shatter with their lie, but can't you wait for a week until they show us if they are going or not to ignore non-Steam users? Nick said they are trying to implement it, they KNOW that if they don't this game reputation will fall absolutely. Right now it is that way but only because people doesn't have the patience for it.
We got the right to make our complaints, but don't take it like everything is lost. We may have lost their "trust", but we can still have "hope". Once "hope" it is lost, then yeah, we can all go to another place. The people who are leaving are those who lost both their "trust" and "hope".
Can't we have just a few threads that aren't harping on the whole injustice of the expansion pack thing? We get it, but seriously, there's no need to derail every single thread into a whine fest. It's seriously getting old.
May the hope not change into bait to just keep players in game, like a carrot in the end of stick.
So its like 1 Mission with 4 sub levels and 3 dificults , ty :) aprox how many play time its it?
The levels are pretty long and I didn't keep track of how long it took to get through them. It's pretty tense and exciting in some bits, though!
Also as a tip, run with friends! Makes it go much smoother :D
I've put in 7 hours into the DLC so far. Doing it myself to get gunner armor, then running with friends helping them get theirs. It's a blast. T1 is quite relaxing and enjoyable, T2 seems to be a nice difficulty curve and T3 has moments of sheer pain. I enjoyed very much.
Could you please tell me what games go for 4 bucks that aren't indie games or "used" games and where the hell you get your hands on those games?!
Cause as far as I know, non-indie games don't go for that price unless they are older games that are on sale on steam.
Might just be me being blind and if so, my bad!
As for the topic, I haven't gotten around to playing the DLC so I can't add anything to this thread, YET!
I am glad to hear both sides of the expansion! But I want one explanation. WHAT'S DLC!?!?!? xD
Continue the thread!
Asians server players can without any obstacles buy OCH with pure CE (which is also profit for OOO since only way to CE land in game is someone buying it with real money). Now its just how OOO listens to players and how they care about them.
New enemies and levels, obviously. Gawd, ninja gremlins are owning me, left right and centre. I also really enjoy the immersion of the new levels. Makes me feel like part of an army, instead of a small group of adventurers.