I cannot be sure where this topic belongs, and perhaps one exists already, but there seems to be far too much to sort through regarding the expansion content.
I don't have a problem with anyone charging cash for content. I believe good work should be compensated, but I also deeply believe in fairness. The way I see it, making any mechanical benefit available only to paying players is a huge misstep. The content, as it exists now, is completely fine. But the only way that the game will ever be fair again, and the only way it will stay fair, is if anything offering any mechanical benefit is accessible to anyone.
In this case, I think one of these things need to happen:
1. Recipes for the new equipment should be available to every player, either from basil or the hall of heroes.
This will give everyone the opportunity to earn the items that currently give those who pay cash an unfair advantage.
Only those who pay cash for the missions will be allowed to enjoy them, and they will be granted many of the items without needing the recipes.
(I think this option would be best, but seems less credible since a very specific mask could be so reproduced)
2. The new missions need to be included in the clockworks somehow.
This will give everyone access to the content, and the rewards could potentially be earned with tokens as the other boss token equipment is.
Those who pay cash will have direct access to scenario, and will be granted most of the items without having to earn the tokens.
(I am less fond of this option, I think it will upset those who already paid for the content if they are not compensated)
I have heard the entertainment of the content is worth the price, so I will be purchasing it. Because the reckless inclusion of this content unbalanced this game to the degree it has, I will be purchasing it instead of my usual elevator pass. And if the game continues a trend of unfair favor towards those who spend cash, I'm sure I will be dissatisfied enough with the game to give it up and attempt persuading my friends and guildmates to do the same.
I also believe prohibiting anyone who hasn't paid for the content to join their friends is another huge misstep, but I can't say there is anything particularly unfair about that decision.
On a side note, I'm getting the impression there isn't anything sega can't completely tarnish.
Or they could just release new content for clockworks.