We free to players got our first pay 2 play patch.
Sadly many other players are dissapointed in this update, aren't game made for fun and joy ? what happened to 3 rings.
All I know now is that since they worked together with sega they are focusing on money.
If you are only focusing on the money do you really need to unbalance the game ?
I have been played many kinds of games that used to be free to play, and guess what happened when they got their first pay 2 play patch, they kept patching it up for pay to players.
I hate it when the games get unbalanced for just some stupid fast way profits.
Can''t you choose the slow way ? Instead of choosing the fast way and ruining the game for all of us Free 2 players.
Men Games aren't anymore what they supposed to be.
If they keep patching up with these pay 2 play patches, and unbalanced the game more.
Then I don''t know about all the other free to players but then I am out.
Please, just leave. Your post is meaningless. Threatening to leave won't do a single thing other than instigate posts from other players like myself.