Look at Everquest 2. You HAVE to pay for Endgame content and abilities. And that game is F2P.
If you don't like this DLC then...
I totally agree that this DLC should be purchasable with CE. But, don't feel as though this the "the end." As things here, can become much worse.
I own the DLC and I bought it to say to the developers, "I like what you do. Please do more."
Find some sap who has money and trade him CE for it. I've sold two of them so far, just to help people out.
Can't do that as a nonsteam player. Big steaming pile of CE, just lying around, and I feel betrayed - and stupid for trusting in the value of the in-game currency. I already paid for that content update which was long due and I won't do it again.
I might end up doing that. It's just a little hard for me to support a company that leaves content inaccessible to non-Steam users without paying.
Using steam trade is not solution. Steam is just third party application that is unnesesary to play. Its just like another pointless toolbar installed with something you want to use and you either uninstall it after using. Also if you link your account with steam there is no way to unlink it it means Steam problems= your problems
When there was sonic promo nothing stopped OOO from making content that you got with purchase avaliable for CE ingame.
BAH, they even said for first time that Expansion missions will be buyable with CE BUT suddenly they changed it to "with purchase". Arrogant lie.
Except the company behind it didn't do a full 180 in their business model in order to gain more profits. Correct me if I'm wrong. It would really be nice if they just made it purchasable with CE.