As topic says im selling some haze bombs (the items itself), since energy is very unstable nowadays i will set the amount on crowns unless is a rare item then i will set it on CE.
10x Haze Bombs 1k crowns each
2x Charge Time Reduction: Low 3k crowns
2x Damage Bonus vs Undead : Low 2k crowns
1x Damage Bonus vs Undead : Medium 5k crowns
1x Damage Bonus vs Slime : Low 2k crowns
2x Damage Bonus vs Beast : Low 2k crowns
1x Damage Bonus vs Fiend : Low 2k crowns
1x Damage Bonus vs Fiend : Medium 3k crowns
1x Cutter Damage Bonus vs Construct : Medium 500 CE
Prices are negotiable my IGN is Eliseo
Current STATUS: Online :D
Edit: if you want to communicate with Me ingame please do it via Mail, because sometimes people send me a /w and becuz of the spam of haven 1/2 is hard for me to keep track of everything thnx :)
CE? considering 100 ce is over 4000 cr right now, I think I could get a better deal elsewhere...