Pwning monsters left and right with my rocket hammer while playing MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" =D
Which brings my question of the day:
What has been the most fitting song that happened to play while you were playing spiral knights?
(Ex. "You Jelly?" by Mister Music while playing the Royal Jelly boss level.)
Best/Humorous answer will win something nice. =)
The overture to Rienzi by Wagner came on during my vana fight once...
It was awesome and funny because I'm a metal fan, and I have very little classical music on my playlist.
It set a very interesting tone to the fight from playing through FSC to mostly fast-paced metal tracks to suddenly synchrnoizing sword charges with blitz users to Opera...
Funniest has to be when "Foreshadowing Furnace" (by Dimmu Borgir) came on as I rounded the corner in a level and saw a fire themed Candlestick level switch from whatever was on the screen before it right as I got there... Ironic title, but the atmosphere of that song perfectly match both the CK level, AND my feelings about getting that instead of... well - something else.