It's sad to see. I think the saddest part, though, is that somewhere along the line, OOO must have realized that the last-minute change from CE to real money for purchasing the DLC was going to have some community backlash, anyone could have seen it coming. I guess when it came right down to it, it was someone's decision to say "F*** 'em." and do it anyways.
So many people quitting...
Well, when people like Patrick quit, who have brought to the SK community so many awesome things, like Spiral-Spy, I don't think it's quite fair for you to claim that they don't love the game.
I think a lot of players feel hoodwinked by the last-minute change.
Oh, sorry, I forgot about him, I was generalizing, sorry. Also I feel that he may come back if things "get to work again" (read: wait) and some others. There are fair exceptions, of course. There was also another one who quit not because of the update, but for "school" he said, so as I said, I was talking about no one particular in my head.
people could have been patient like Aumir, as all the DLC material (with a nerfed mask, bomb and hammer I'm guessing.) are going to probably be released in a mission set for fuhhreeeeeee.
If the DLC was the impetus for the ragequitting of a bunch of 15 year olds, irritating adults, and a few justifiable and regrettable partings, so be it. Dynamism, my fine little poet, is the key to action. We were all whining about a lack of action, weren't we?
Unlike some of the anti-OOO pundits on here, you can't please all the people all the time. Sometimes you have to cut bait and move forward, and stop coddling the uncaring and always-mad.
It just means the game is changing, and as a result the client base is changing. People will leave, people will join. That's just life.
I don't think it is this way, I think that Steam players and p2p players just are getting to enjoy the content earlier than anyone, as Nick stated that they are trying to find the way to put an ingame trade/gift client.
I also think that in case they can't they will try to put an alternate way, they know their own game enough. And in the extreme scenario they can't, I don't think they repeat such a thing and put the rewards of the expansion as recipes/featured auctions/whatever. Maybe they were excited to get to have more presence in Steam and went for it way earlier than maybe what they have should, because we now have all these reactions that exploded due to not having any real "new" and "free" (yeah, we can grind our keys, I know) content for quite some time. But if they quitted the game because of this, they may not have loved the game enough already...
Uh, yeah, this is my current view on point on this. What? o_O And no, I am still f2p player here! xD