Mightyputty here.
I know some of you already know this, but I'll say it just to make sure ALL my SK friends who haven't contacted me on Steam know.
I left Spiral Knights 2 months ago. Basically, it's just my formal goodbye to all the people I know. I already asked people to send me Steam friend invites should they wish to contact me outside SK. I'd like to make this formal post just for everyone else who hasn't had the chance to friend me yet or didn't know about this.
I had a very nagging feeling attached to me when I left, and it was that I haven't really thanked all my friends and guildmates, whether current or former, for the good times I had with you during the first 3 months of my time in Spiral Knights. It was a lot of fun playing with (and against) you all, whether in Clockworks, or in pvp. It was fun chatting with you and playing a lot of trivia that was hosted by Xairathan and me. It was a lot of fun when I could just stand at the guildhall and take random screenshots of AFK.
So yeah, this is OFFICIALLY my last post for SK. I just had to let this out because I realize that I left really abruptly on that night in January.
If you want to friend me on Steam (people on my SK list. I remember who you are.), it's [Formely AFK] Mightyputty.
NOW I say, farewell Spiral Knights. It was fun before the Steam promotions and the noob surge.
Farewell to thee, o arbiter of many disputed questions and whatnot....
May I still ask you for trivia ideas?