At the moment i'm only using swords (avenger and twisted snarble barb), but i need a gun, pressing swithes with pots and charge attacks is really annoying sometimes, and having a gun is really useful when i'm with low health, but i don't know very much about guns, but i was really interested in the antigua. As for swords (having a shadow sword is important), i can't decide between faust or nightblade. The faust would be interesting for the chance of causign curse, but the nightblade is easier to get one with a better UV.. So, wich gun do you guys reccomend? should i get the faust or the nightblade?
I need a gun and a shadow-damage weapon , but wich one?
Faust: 2 hit heavy sword, great for crowds when you can hit 4+ with a swing. Bad charge, self curse is lethal when all your weps are locked.
Nightblade: 3swing med speed sword, higher single target dps, better charge than faust.
What are your intended use for guns.
I would use a gun for when i'm with low health, or to deal a specific damage type, also to activate switches easier.
Your swords should already be dealing a damage type, assuming they are your primary source of damage.
Most swordsmen use elemental guns to deal with turrets. Guns like polaris, argent peacemaker, and elemental alchemers.
However, if you are low on health much of the time, you should carry a normal damage gun, such as blaster or supernova, that way you don't have to craft multiple sidearms. Blaster is the vanilla gun, 3 shots, and knockback with the 5* upgrade. Supernova is the normal damage of polaris, much more suited for survivability.