I found a new aura guys, look! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/52265444...
Isn't it so cool, a flame aura, and it's free!
Anyways, no more trolling for the topic. The bomb "Dark Reprisal" doesn't show the bomb, as it is about to explode (don't know what to call that time). I decided to try the bomb after playing Tier 1 of the DLC for the first time and: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/522654444082457490/5AAD5C0954D5822B9C4...
Bug or on purpose? *Note: Don't move to the bug section because I'd like this topic to discuss the bomb in general as well. :)
EDIT: Changed the second link, as it was a replica of the first... Whoops, my bad. Sorry.
...What am I looking for?