I've always wondered about those on the Wiki. Sure, the rare monsters are put in there, but some of them have no information at all besides the name, like the Oiler Baron, Black Kat, and Cattywampus. Why are they in there, can someone tell me?
What's up with all the missing monsters?

Whatever, why keep them?
At least make a new 'family' called removed monsters, to avoid confusion.

A perusal of the game's files in Spiral-Spy suggests that the Oiler Baron was actually in the game at some point though, as well as what could be either the Black Kat or the Cattywampus.
Or at least, the textures and model things are there. and they're not broken as far as I can see.
So maybe they are going to roll them out. Or they were planning on rolling them out when the game was going to be released, but delayed releasing them until later.
Which makes things kinda odd because this means the Toxilargo is the only Giant Lichen Colony variant of the status lichens in the game at the moment.
By my knowledge there not in game anymore i dont know why and the axe hand tree thing not in game anymore.
they were probably revomed for a glitch of theirs or something but ive passed all the clockworks and they dont exist
so if anyone has a picture put it there.
To bad that there gone i wish they were there stil

The Ironwood Sentinel is technically still ingame, except now it's been reskinned as a Void Lumber. :B
Rose added both the Black Kat and Cattywampus to the list of Kats back when the page was created, but gave no info to what they were, and no-one else has discovered any info on them either. It's plausable that they were in the game during the beta, but since I did not play it I cannot confirm this.
There is a possibilty that Rose was mistaken in her edit of the Black Kat and Cattywumpus. It is unknown where she drew this name from.
Saphykun made a reasonably large edit to the Lichen page and added most of the entries which you see today, including the empty Oiler Baron entry. These three monsters definitly don't exist in the current game, but it's quite plausable that they were in the beta.
However, Saphykun uploaded images for all the current lichens, but did not include images nor data for the Oiler Baron, Deep Sloombargo and its smaller varient, and the Spiny Toxilargo, which possibly means either he had only heard rumours of it, or was unable to capture images of them at the time that he was interested in editing the page. The fact that he also uploaded the giant Sloombargo and the Toxilargo means that it wasn't a simple confusion for the large themed lichens. The Spiny Toxilargo and Deep Sloom varients have since been removed from the page, but the Oiler Baron remains. It's quite possible that the developers were discussing or the players were assuming existed a 3rd toxilargo colony and an Oiler Colony.
To resolve this mystery, either the original editor or a beta player will need to confirm the existance of such monsters, or the Developers/Admins/Gamemasters will need to deny the existence of them.