I was just wondering, if I connect to steam using my account, can my sibling still access their non-steam spiral knights account using the normal client?
Connecting To Steam
why bother? Don't you have more than one computer in the house?
People these days...
I believe all you have to do is uncheck the box that says "Use Steam Account".
Not sure what you're saying, Tennis, but I don't see why they can't BOTH use steam.
I'm saying your first post was pretty immature, assuming out of nowhere that this person that you probably know nothing about should DEFINITELY have two computers, 'cause y'know... EVERYBODY has more than one computer.
It's just a silly... for lack of better term, stereotype, and it rather annoyed me.
Besides, both of your posts tried to find a solution to a non existant problem as the OP was about having a Steam and non-Steam account on one installation of Spiral Knights.
It wasn't anything about multiple computers or having both accounts on Steam.
Yes, you can have Steam and non-Steam accounts accessible on the same computer.