you can get 15 k crs by doing the first 2 depths of the JK mission 5 times. you get about 3400 crs each time :)
how to make 15-16 k crs using 100 mist.
Or, you can do the 2nd last FSC depth 10 times and get 30k cr :)
yeah but you cant skip straight to the 2nd last level of FSC.
You cant do that for jelly either, unless you do the mission, where the rewards is 2k, not 3k.
I've always gotten about 2.2k with the first two levels of mission JK runs.
heres a pro tip for you
Play Ranked Mission 5-2 Rise or Fall
about 600-1000cr more profit :)
Buy an Elevator Pass.
Durp durp durrr
Seriously though, I feel your pain. Finding ways to stretch that 100 ME into the maximum profit was always a challenge. But, maybe don't tell everyone; otherwise there will be a lot more crowns on the market, and the price of CE will go up!
You guys do realize that the Royal Jelly mission is more profitable than Rise or Fall? The reason being: every five Royal Jelly runs, you can redeem Jelly Gems for a Brute Jelly item and vendor it for an extra 3.5k cr.
Which you had to spend 10ce to enter. Considering 6500 per 100, that's 650cr. 50 ce for 3500cr. 100ce for 7kcr. Not a huge profit, 500cr for 10 runs. 250cr for the 5 runs.
Or if your lazy (like me) you would make 2 2* items and just sell them (and pray for "dat" UV).