The Spiral Elite is a newly formed guild. We are looking for friendly, mature players. When it has enough members, we can start guild lockdown, mission runs, boss runs (bets!), shadow lairs (only if a shadow key is present), and crimson hammer for the ones who have the expansion. If you would like to join, please mail Cloid with the following information:
1. Your IGN
2. Your star of gear (ONLY 3* or more accepted)
3. What is your gear?
4. How often you are on
5. Do you like Lockdown?
6. Have you paid any real money for the game?
7. What bosses can you solo?
8. What timezone are you in?
1. no arguing with officers and guild masters (at all)
2. no excessive arguing with members of veteran rank or less.
3. no demoting or removing other members without a guild master's or officer's approval
4. no spamming guild chat or officer chat
5. no non participation when playing lockdown; you are playing lockdown to PLAY, nothing else
6.To be promoted, you MUST pay a little bit ( ce = crystal energy)
Member: 20 ce
Veteran: 50 ce
Officer 110 ce
Guild Master: 300 ce
The price is a total (if you pay 20ce for member, then you only pay 30 for veteran then, 60 for officer, then 190 for guild master)
Wow. That's a new one.