I Have A Gunslinger Hat, A Chroma Suit, A Cryotech MkII, A Horned Owlite And Ascended Calibur
What Should I upgrade It to
How Deos My Equiptment Sound

Try to stick with the same armor set.

You are using a gunning helm and only 1 gun. You need to decide what specialization you will be going as your main focus. chroma is meh, because it doesn't give an overall damage bonus. Cryo is good but the prismatech series does quite a bit more damage, but lack of a status. Thats your own decision but IMO its almost useless going with anything but voltech or prisma. IF you decide to gun, you will need 4 weapon slots to bring one of each damage type, and at that point you either want the antigua series (Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza) or the alchemer line (nova driver and umbra driver) and a calahan and blitz needle. Then you can go for justicar and stack 2 medium damage bonus trinkets, and ssb. this will give you db VH (max on undead and grem if going antigua route) and asi max. if you have the dlc, you can then get the mask (I wouldn't reccomend buying it off players) and get ctr vh, db vh, and asi max (ctr med from a heated 10* weapon, ctr med from the mask).
feel free to message me in-game for anymore questions.
You are still missing a piercing and shadow damage source.
Damage vs family sets are not useful, because a general damage boost will outperform the specialized set.