I've heard pepole saying that they found equipment in treasure boxes, but what is the rate?
equipment drop rate?

I've logged in about 500 hours into the game and I can still count the amount of times I found equipment in a treasure box on my fingers. (Including when the gear went to someone else in the party)
A shot from the hip estimate would put it below .01%, and that's being generous.

Sometimes you get lucky streaks though. Found a virulist suit in a run, then my buddy found a brute jelly mail seconds later. Then, on the next run a guy found a wolver set. Nothing after that though. :(

I think it is something like 0.01%, I feel sort of like the same like when I played RO back in the time when I found monster cards, so I am quite sure it must be a 0.01-0.02% thing.

What Aumir said.
I consider myself as one of the lucky ones because I have gotten over 10 item drops. 2, 3, 4, and 5 star items have all been found by me :)

I have gotten one drop out of all my time playing SK. Ive been playing since late may or early june.. not sure which one. Basically what Im saying is you probably will get atleast one drop from your whole time playing SK
i dunno how relevant that is, but sometimes i get 2+ drops in tier 1 and then i feel like its wasted luck
i kno i kno the random stuffs, but some online gambling cheat software, which i attempted to use once, said something like the chances in computers are all algorithmic(?) and that the history of events does affect the chances in computers
can any computer expert confirm that :o? or is it just a (marketing-?) rumour, that appears to make way too much sense?
some1 gifted me the new expansion and i tend to farm boxes in soloing, so im curious if it decreases my chances of getting t3 equipment drops if i was to get t1/t2 equipment drops every now and then

I'd advise against promoting the fact that you attempted to cheat on a game.
Afaik, box contents are predetermined. When equipment drops, the system has already determined who it is going to, no matter who walks over it. According to some people's experience, they tried kicking players/be kicked to see if they can then obtain the item by being the only player in the group. The item supposedly left with the kicked player.
Just pick it up. If you don't, someone else will. And if you're solo, the system has already marked you for the item anyways.

It was a blizzbreaker helm, unlickily, i didn't recieve it :P
The rate is very low. Don't get your hopes up.