Vog or Skolver or Mix? (I currently have Full Ash Tail and a DTS (BTS lv4))
I'm currently running a Acheron/BTB combo, but will be adding a Sudaruska and DA/GF.
Also, noob question: Is there a speed limit for swords?
Age old Question.
Defensively, it's simple
Vog if you're heading for Vanaduke. (elemental and fire resists, very useful)
Skolver for Rabid snarbolax and ice queen shadow lairs. Also, PVP is often piercing heavy, so skolver is a good idea.
-Unless you know what you're doing and can avoid getting hit much in the aforementioned levels, it's advisable to gear up defensively
Offensively, Depends much on the weapon. A mix of damage and ASI will generically boost your preformance with all swords.
ASI, if you boost it to maximum will not show much of a speed increase compared to "ASI high" when using your BTB. On heavy swords though, it will help quite a deal.
As for a "speed limit," when stacked, all bonuses like ASI will cap at maximum. If you don't know how bonuses stack, ask here. Someone will explain. suffice to say, you will not go any faster overflowing the bonus
Depends, if you wish to farm fsc for the cr like almost everyone else, vog. Otherwise, mix.
The speed limit for swords is as fast as your merc speed bonus.