3500 ce is not an appropriate price. How can the supply depot sell gear for cheaper than we can unbind it, when the depot skips mats and recipes.
Another patch, another fail.
3500 ce is not an appropriate price. How can the supply depot sell gear for cheaper than we can unbind it, when the depot skips mats and recipes.
Another patch, another fail.
If I did my math right, it's still ~1k CE more expensive to buy from the Supply Depot than it would be to just craft yourself (counting recipes and mats, using only CE), and without the chance of UVs along the way.
Another patch, another QQ thread.
OOO is trying to create an in-game economy that involves ONLY them, the player and the player's credit card.
Player to player trades are screwed.
Another patch, another fail.
Supply depot gear doesn't have the UV's you can get by simply buying off ah or rolling on crafting.
In order to craft something up to 5*, assuming you buy all recipes and craft starting from 2*, it takes:
40000 cr for recipes
8900 cr to craft
1450 CE to craft (or less if you have full mist)
which comes out to about 2200 CE. If you happen to need to buy all the mats, it probably doesn't get pass 100 CE worth of cr. The only advantage to buying from the Supply Depot is to save time, since your gear won't need 15 levels of heat.
Lol @ Aylnine
Players no longer will trade weapons unless the weapon has some ridiculous UV
4000ce unbind fee compared to 3500ce weapon is pretty fking ridiculous
Some of us used to make business by making rare 5* weapons and selling them, for example callahan. Now I no longer can make profit by doing that, my in game money stream ended and OOO is waiting for me to bring on my credit card after I run out of CE
The 5* gear in AH is now about 500k cr each, by buying an item straight from SD it costs about 225k cr. See what's wrong here?
"The only advantage to buying from the Supply Depot is to save time, since your gear won't need 15 levels of heat."
Any idea how much does that cost time & ce...
Bad patch, really bad. The weapons should be 6000-8000ce. The amount of gameplay you can now ditch is ridiculous
From yours and my point of view, obviously this is a bad thing because selling 5*s are going to be much more difficault. I do favor the cheap price because it DOES profit O0O, but it also is good because me being a lazy person, I would buy a Divine Avenger and not have to step foot in the overdone FSC. I do LOVE the Hall of Heroes for the 5* recipes, but that's beside the point. I think all O0O has done with the missions has been spot on other than the cheap prices against merchants and my best friend, Boost.
Assuming what people were actually saying was that the Depot was ruining 4* and 5* gear trades -- and if that's so then my last post was in error, even though what it says is true -- does the Depot provide EVERYTHING in the game? I haven't checked personally yet, but does it now have every single piece of gear possible? Because if not, then it hasn't really ruined anything. If your item of choice was something now offered on the Depot, why not switch to another piece of gear? Is adapting to changes really horrible? I understand being frustrated about being kicked out of your niche, but is it that hard to find another one?
Only the shadow lair and token items aren't there
Snarby set aint there but vog cub is
Fang of vog aint there but combuster is
And so forth..
IMO it takes the fun out of making rare items like ironmight plate armor or radiant silvermail if anyone with some ce can purchase them instantly. I often find myself having tons of CE but I'm missing an item I want to use for appearance purposes, then I play the game to obtain that item. Now I can just hit the button to get the item instantly... kinda takes the fun out of heating items and collecting materials & crowns
yes ur second post gets the gist of it.
Also, any in game mechanic that erodes the social networking so fundamentally in an OMMRPG is just horrible, horrible decision making in game design. I honestly can't believe they were so stupid.
@ Snarkey, yeah it helps $upport OOO but this $upport should be done through new content such as OCH, not through the retardation and cannibalization of existing in-game markets. It's a prime example of OOO screwing us over.
As someone who has a boatload of 5* items crafted I still love the depot. Love the missions and even enjoy the expansion. I think the missions combined with the depot help new players and those like me who like to craft but sometimes don't feel like grinding for some recipes or heat to get a new 5* item.
I really don't understand why there are so many negatives being thrown around. Sure those who rage craft for variants or unbind and sell have a reduced market but lets be honest; You don't NEED to do those things.
I am thrilled with all these new things and now all I have to complain about is my connection. We need more people who appreciate these new things to speak up if you haven't already.
I highly doubt it was ever intended for players to make money selling gear to each other. The way the game is set up seems to me like OOO wants us to explore the clockworks and earn the gear ourselves.
The market for 5* items went down the toilet with this latest patch, I appreciate the new missions and stuff like OCH, but this is too much of a money grab.
Wow....these patches are getting dumber and dumber with every update. It will eventually get to the point where the game won't be worth playing anymore for most sensible people....who have a life......all depends on future patches.
Hecy yeah OOO this really helps the free to players. no more selfish middleman ( the sellers). just me and the gear :D the people who are complaining are the other end of the spectrum.
"selfish middleman"
Do you realise that what people were selling was convenience? It is a service. If there is something selfish its someone wanting to buy any weapon at crafting+unbind costs so don't make me laugh.
Welp. Now people can just buy 17500ce, buy a full 5* set, and then quit the game.
To be perfectly honest, I thought 4k CE to unbind a 5* item was a total ripoff to begin with. This isn't much better, but it at least makes it a little attainable for those who want a stock piece of 5* gear and don't want to go through heating the series of items (perhaps for a costume?). It also keeps 5* items from costing nearly double the unbinding cost in the AH (though at least now some of the 500k+ cr 5* items actually have UVs as of the last time I checked). However, it still costs far less to make the item yourself, which leads me to the issue that I have personally with this patch and perhaps the Hall of Heroes in general...
Exactly why is practically every piece of gear or even the corresponding recipe up to 5* now attainable without diving through the clockworks? Sure, there are still boss weapons you need to seek out Basil to get the recipes for, but for the most part now there's literally no random factor to getting most of the gear. It used to be that even if Basil didn't have what -you- wanted, chances were it had something someone else would want, letting you either make a little profit off of buying a hard-to-find recipe and auctioning it off, or even bartering the recipe you have for the one you want. The mission system effectively kills that aspect of the economy with the sole exceptions being some of the boss gear, although I've even seen Charged Quicksilver gear in the Depot, and I've read that Mercurial is there too.
It's beginning to look like OOO wants to throttle the player-driven economy this game was known for by any means necessary, although I'm sure if Nick or one of the other admins post in this thread they'll say that it was done to allow newer players to obtain these items in the event that energy prices become exorbitant, which as someone who played this game back when energy cost half of what it does now, sounds like at the very least a plausible explanation.
"It's beginning to look like OOO wants to throttle the player-driven economy this game was known for by any means necessary, although I'm sure if Nick or one of the other admins post in this thread they'll say that it was done to allow newer players to obtain these items in the event that energy prices become exorbitant, which as someone who played this game back when energy cost half of what it does now, sounds like at the very least a plausible explanation."
They found out that people are more willing to "buy" an item than "buy" CE. I'm adding OOO as another example of how "Profits are what makes every part of our world, the Earth and society suck."
The whole point of 4k unbind was to make in unprofitable to grind up 5* gear, unbind it and sell it on the market. It would mean only the very best or rarest gear would be worth unbinding at that level. But people keep buying stuff at inflated prices so Three Rings decided to cut out the middlemen and sell them the armor directly to the consumer.
The only people who are bitter about the prices are those who's bottom line is directly affected and their friends.
The only people who are bitter about the prices are those who's bottom line is directly affected and their friends.
Pretty much what I'm getting at. It seems OOO doesn't like people cutting in on where they could make a profit. They were ok with a high unbind cost cuz the only people that could afford to buy unbound items PAID them for CE first.
This kind of thing just makes it harder for the F2P population to make money. It calls for a literal standstill to selling non-UV items, and as of now I fully expect the only things on the market, soon, to be High/Max UVs.. :/
their wont be many High / MAX items on the market for the simple reason crafting them isnt worth it now.
OOO has basically F'd everyone who sells anything on the AH or via personal trading
also it wont surprise me when OOO start selling UVS on the FAH or the Depot ...
either way it doesnt matter now since the game isnt worth crap now ...
i stated way back when OOO was selling items on AH that they do this and well now they are :(
You mean "non-UV bound items", surely? I deal primarily in bulk 2*s and 3*s on the AH, and secondarily through mediocre-to-good (not uber) 2*s and 3*s on the forum. I don't see how the depot affects me at all. I have unbound something to sell exactly once, and that had a max UV on it.
I'm not saying "I'm okay, so who cares about you". I'm saying "most trades do not, and have not since the bind patch, involved non-UVed 4-5*s in the first place".
As for the idea that this screws over F2Pers in general, I'm really not convinced. I'm no longer F2P, but that's because I got greedy for good UVs. If I was content with meds, or lows, or none, I would have had made enough for full 5* of all resistances and damage types (through crafting) long ago just through selling and adventuring. Just playing the game will get you through all the content. Casual trading will get you through it faster. And big time trading is totally unnecessary unless you want to be a Max-collecting mob-stomper or Lockdown god, in which case you'll have to put in some real effort. Maybe that will mean changing what you deal in. So? Do it, or downgrade your ambitions. (Not "you" specifically; you seem to have plenty of resources already.)
I think it's worth noting that the people complaining so far are players like you, Pawn, Mbcscp, and Rommil. High rollers, in other words, except by comparison to SK tycoons like Chris. Your average F2Per, or low-end P2Per, isn't feeling this at all. I'm not saying I don't see where you guys are coming from, but I would question whether the consequences are really as far-reaching, and harmful to the general playerbase, as they may seem to you.
Perhaps the unbind should be lowered instead.
Despite my disagreement with the OP, I would love for that to happen.
The major hole in the logic of people who think that the supply depot's prices are to cheap i the fact that in order to take advantage of it, you already have to be in the end game. I believe you have to get to at least 9-1 before the depot opens up its 5* inventory to you. The depot just streamlines the process of acquiring other armor types if you're willing to spend the money.
So if you have the devil's luck, you can still sell gear to people who just started the game and want to pay to win by getting 5* gear early on.
yep. This is what i am telling people, and most cannot see it. Max UVs are going to become more rare. Then if people are turning profits on UVs they'll make them in featured auctions or on the depot (rare and good UVs. They are already working there incrementally. Look everyone, here is 1* gear with near max UVs...not a big deal.....soon we'll give you 5* gear with med UVs....nothing to see here.....oh, here you go, a featured auction with vh ctr on a DA...this is okay, right? Don't mind us, just a round of double max uvs....)
Its coming. baby-steps. They are just loosening you guys up for it. Its only a matter of time now (but then, i guess it was only ever a matter of time).
Another thing to consider, as OOO shifts the entire economy into their own pocket. Many are "hide-their-head-in-the-sand" dumb to it, but the life's blood at the top level (end-game) of any successful mmorpg ends up being ultra-rare items, and economy games. OOO is neatly combing both of these into one stream that they own and control. So in effect, they are saying "only we get to play the economy" and "nothing is rare." In doing so, they create a transient world in which we are all merely passing through. Even players such as ruby-eclipse who once would make it to the top and rule for a long time, will become visitors to the world of spiral knights.
The life-span of the known men will be shorter in duration, less intense in nature, and SK will own a less epic place in all of our memories for it. Sure, we'll come back and visit from time to time. Run a new mission, play a new boss. But it won't be the same. It'll make the game of spiral knights a more trivial experience for those that come after us.
I don't think unbind fee's will get lowered:
Unbinding an item ---- the fee's are a bit high than what most people expected since Three Rings does not want kids to get to that end game content so fast. (4k Ce to unbind usual mark-up is up to 6.5k ce for an item usually more if the item is one of the cookie-cutter items).
Compare 3.5k Ce for 5* item:
Okay, to reach the access to be able to even buy these items you need to be full 5* gear equips, and would of had to waste a bit of ce or me to reach the end of the missions which makes the missions worth it for players. Its cheaper to craft the item on your own I do agree with that, but for those lazy players it makes it an easy ce sink.
"Max UVs are going to become more rare."
You haven't explained why.
"Then if people are turning profits on UVs they'll make them in featured auctions or on the depot (rare and good UVs."
Speculation. If and when that happens, I'll be right beside you picketing. Not until then.
The 0* items don't look like a foot in the door to me. They're there because many players who couldn't do the starter missions for rewards (due to having already crossed the chasm) wanted to be able to get them, and requested a means of doing so.
Also, I don't believe they'd ever do anything to make Punching and ragecrafting less desirable, because those are the two biggest CE/cr sinks in the economy. Every few times someone triple tickets, OOO drains as much as they do from selling a single high profile featured auction.
The way i see it the ability to unbind weapons is one of the worst thing to hit the market along with the hall of heroes.
Why? Because to unbind a 5 star weapon one must destroy 4000ce in stead of going through the trouble of crafting it. Now 4000ce is over 10 U.S dollars worth of ce disappearing from the sk community, I don't see the logic in this. I think Aylnine put it best that it is over 1000ce more expensive to get a weapon pre-built rather than crafting it.
Now second thing I see that people over look is that getting the pre-built weapon is not faster than heating and crafting a weapon unless your either a p2p player or some one who just been saving you ce for a while. But what about f2p player that don't have any ce at there disposal? On average any 5 star weapon that is unbound sells between 4.5kce(if its the fang of vog and you have some one who selling it rather cheap) and above, it would take at least a month to earn up that much ce.
So in short unbinding 4 and 5 star items is bad for the sk economy because it in efficiently uses up a larger portion of ce from the ce market.
The supply depot is just as bad for the economy and I would question the IQ of any f2p player who decided to purchase items (except for usables) because it is still a waste of the ce that is in the market.
This patch eliminates actual player to player trades because its rife with scamming. You can still WAY overprice 4 and 5* items in the AH and noobs WILL still buy them. Remember, normal players never buy 4* and 5* items in the AH due to the price slant anyway and noobs won't have access to the 5* items in the depot until they complete enough missions to have access to them.
>>"Max UVs are going to become more rare."
>You haven't explained why.
Because people with enough time and energy will more likely not unbind the UV'd items since the market is empty
It's hard to predict how the buyers will react but getting an UV and unbinding it will make the price of the item way higher than 3500ce + UV rolls with Punch
Why would the market be empty? The people buying clean 4-5*s from the depot are not the people who would have bought UVed items from the AH or the forum.
But let's say you're right that people will prefer to punch their own UVs (for, uh, whatever reason). What will they do when they want a CTR VH but get an Undead VH instead? Are you telling me they're not going to unbind and sell when they find someone who wants exactly that item? Really?
The market will be empty of 5* items as it's no longer worth unbinding and selling them. Only the ones with high UV's could be worth selling and their prices will prolly be way higher than 6k ce in order to be profitable for the seller, tbh they can ask just as high price as they want because there won't be much competition. With that 2500ce extra price you can buy at least 9 uv's from punch and whatnot
I just dont see people crafting tons of items in order to get good uv's, heating the item up, unbinding it and selling it in the AH anymore. The risk is much greater when there is no steady market where to sell your junk, as for the time being it's hard to know how much people will value these rare deals
I don't believe it offers token lines.
Anyways, the point of this game has ALWAYS been to craft your own gear, not buy it. OOO put unbinding in so people could trade very top-tier UV's, not so marketers could merchant their way into fortune (they still can with this patch, with UV rolling). Crafting is still the cheapest, still the most logical, and the path the game is supposed to head down. If it takes too much time, well, this is a video game, what're you doing on it if you don't want to level up and spend time?
There was such incredible rage when the unbinding feature came out because everyone believed you shouldn't be able to buy your way to 5 star... now players are upset that others can't buy their way to 5 star through them! Oh how the tables have turned... And don't say it's "easier" to get 5 star weapons now, it might be "faster", but you could get twice as many 5 star weapons with the CE you spend... so that that as you will.
"Only the ones with high UV's could be worth selling and their prices will prolly be way higher than 6k ce in order to be profitable for the seller"
TBH, as far as I'm concerned, that is already the case. I don't care if no one crafts clean 5*s for selling any more. I don't buy them and I don't sell them. I buy and sell items with UVs worth having. Any change in the price of clean 5*s is not going to affect me one way or another.
And those people who want to buy clean 5*s, for whatever reason? They can still do that. In fact, it's easier and cheaper for them than ever. So who loses? Only the sellers. And y'know, you guys can find something else to trade in. It's not that hard.
"tbh they can ask just as high price as they want because there won't be much competition."
Why? They were never competing with clean item sellers for the custom of clean item buyers. They were competing with other UV sellers for the custom of UV buyers.
"With that 2500ce extra price you can buy at least 9 uv's from punch and whatnot"
So you go and ticket 9 UVs at Punch. What do you think you'll get from that? An ASI VH? A Fire Max? Dream on. You think punching's so great, try it yourself.
There's a reason good Max and VH UVs go for 6-30k CE (on 2*s, mind you!), and that's because Punching and ragecrafting in search of one particular UV is even more expensive.
Besides, say you do go and buy 9 UV tickets. Now you have 9 UVed items.
How many of those items do you really want?
What are you going to do with the others?
The penny drops.
Oh wow, ppl are starting to see what i have been telling since long time, OOO with every update is reducing amount of ways in which players can earn money. First basil buissnes (now finished off totally with KO) and items reselling. Just wait for mats bound on purchase and patch changing AuctionH to AccesoryH
"I don't care if no one crafts clean 5*s for selling any more. I don't buy them and I don't sell them."
Then you clearly have no idea how much impact this change has to the gameplay of some people
I wish we could do this: http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/7744234/img/Anonymous/sk16.png
I can imagine how you feel. I'm just saying, just because the sky's falling for you doesn't mean it's falling for everyone. In a multiplayer game, someone's gain is someone else's loss. Glad that Antigua lines are now pure ele? Well, someone else was using them especially for the split. Love it when a new promo appears and the CE price drops because of added supply? Someone else makes their crowns selling CE they bought with real money and is cursing the fall in the market. Happy that you can get a nice shiny chap in the featured auction? Someone who got theirs way back is mad that their limited edition item is now not so limited. Enjoying the free mission gear and recipes? Someone else paid for theirs, and now feels cheated.
Yes, some changes are pretty much pure derp. Other changes help some players to the detriment of some other players. (And yes, help OOO rake in money too. Duh, they have to do that.) This change falls in the second category.
"I can imagine how you feel. I'm just saying, just because the sky's falling for you doesn't mean it's falling for everyone. In a multiplayer game, someone's gain is someone else's loss."
If the game falls for paid players, makign them QQ, F2P wont be able to buy energy for them. Stuck forever in 2* gear.
Is that really so many?
Maybe it is, IDK. I find it baffling. Is this how you guys made all your money? Too bad I missed out, I guess. Figures that I'd only learn where the gravy train was after it's gone. . . .
I see your point, I really do. I for me making crowns and CE was not the reason I play this game. It was looking fancy, having fun and playing with friends. This new thing takes away the only way of making crowns I really enjoyed doing, it takes away the fancy looks and having fun from my 3 most important things about this game. I still got my friends but after my CE & CR pool hit 0 I have no idea what to do. I hate grinding and I play for fun so if I'm not having fun while getting CE and CR I will most likely go find some other game to play
Also what makes me really sad this seems like the 2nd time when a game I love turns unfun because of a change in the in-game economy. First being battlefield heroes and now SK. While the change is not nearly as radical it heavily affects how I view this game. If they did this like EA did with battlefield heroes elevator costs would be 50CE per gate, mist would regenerate 28 times slower and non-paid accounts could no longer have items for unlimited duration. Thank god we haven't come to that point yet but this definitely was a step into wrong direction from my point of view
All weapons & gear should be dropped from the supply depo completely.
They should lower unbind fees on all items, imo >.> I always thought they were super steep for what they actually did.