So, I recently acquired an antigua for the first time, and decided to have some fun with it. Generally I stay away from guns, but I had a surplus of Jelly Gems, so I thought why the hell not. While I was getting a feel for it in the Training Hall, I decided to pull out some of my brandish weapons to troll the little area with the shuffle bots with massive explosions. What I noticed was this:
All are fully heated
Shockburst Brandish (3*):
First and second swing: 41 damage
Third swing: 45 damage
Charge: 71 damage
Boltbrand (4*):
First and second swing: 38
Third swing: 52 damage
Charge: 71 damage
Can someone explain this to me? Why does the 3* weapon deal more on the first swing, and the same on the charge, that a 4* weapon does?
Weapons are reduced depending on the tier. Health benefits from armor are also reduced depending on tier.