Today, while in lockdown, I noticed a knight who was three-shotting everyone with his Divine Avenger. Upon closer inspection, I found that he was double swinging his 2nd swing. After attempting to do the same thing in the ATH (and making myself look stupid) and failing, I have decided to come here for help.
So my question is if it is possible to swing your 2nd swing twice on slow swords or is it just a glitch some people abuse? If it isn't a glitch, I would like to ask how does one swing the combo finisher twice?
I have heard a friend of mine mention something similar, but I'm not aware of the trick of how to do it unfortunately. xP
It does have something to do with shield-cancelling, because I've seen it used before, but you might be better off changing the title to something a bit more specific than 'shield cancel'. Maybe '3-swing combo on a heavy sword' would be a bit better...