Topic pretty much says it, you can only use one at a time, so far i havent seen it be used for anything at all. I did notice some chunks are bigger than others, what do the colors mean and what are they used for? it doesnt seem to be collected when you go down elevators it disapears!
What are those big crystals in the clockwork that are different colors and you destroy them and can cary a shard with you? help!
They are used in Gate Construction.
In the Arcade, if you go to the right you will see unfinished gates, where you can deposit your Minerals (the Crystals) for Crowns.
A lot of people just autosell them, however you can, if you choose to, be a bit more picky about where your minerals get deposited so you can have get the levels you want. Or help out other players who want certain Stratums to have specific themes.
minerals. not materials. his tutorial is a bit tldr so here goes.
minerals are dumped into the glowy boxes in front of unfinished gates. this builds gates. depending on what minerals are given, certain floors are made.
for more info, do contact the guy in the arcade. please be one of the smart guys and choose your minerals wisely. random choosing and autosell is the reason why we get similar gates.
Right. MINERALS. Herp-a-derp, I'm so smart.
I'm a genius.
also, wiki is your friend. Use it.
also newb forum is below this one
Talk to the guy in the arcade with four of them floating around him. He'll explain this thing about gates and materials - the materials *he* means are those crystals.
EDIT: Also, what Shoebox says (next post).